2.1.1 SSO console
The SSO console is a window used to reference reports and statuses. The Process Monitor window and other windows can be opened from the SSO console, which serves as the starting point for remote operation. The SSO console is displayed by accessing the following URI from a web browser and then logging in.
- When configuring HTTP connection to the SSO console:
- When configuring HTTPS connection to the SSO console:
The following figure shows the SSO console window.
The items displayed in the above window are described below.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Header frame
- Help
Displays Help.
- Logout
This item is displayed only if user authentication is enabled.
Click this item to log out from the SSO console. After you log out, the window changes to the SSO console login window.
If the user performs no operations on the SSO console until the timeout time expires, the user is forced to log out from the SSO console even if a window opened from the SSO console is being used. That window also is closed.
The timeout time can be changed by using the ssoconsoled action definition file. For details on this file, see 6.3.23 ssoconsoled action definition file (ssoconsoled.def).
(2) Menu frame
This is the area that contains the menu of functions provided by the SSO console. The menu consists of links. Clicking a menu item opens the corresponding window, or displays a report file list or status information in the view frame. The menus displayed in the menu frame differ depending on the type of user authority. Note that this differentiation applies within the SSO console only, not to action cooperation. The following table lists the displayed menus for each type of user authority.
Menu |
User authority |
Administrator |
Operator |
Resource Browser |
Y |
Y |
Resource Data Reference |
Y |
Y |
Resource Configuration |
Y |
N |
Resource Reference |
Y |
Y |
Resource Condition Output |
Y |
Y |
Resource Status Browser |
Y |
Y |
Creating User resource definition |
Y |
N |
Process Monitor |
Y |
Y |
Process Configuration |
Y |
N |
Process Reference |
Y |
Y |
Process Condition Output |
Y |
Y |
Report Configuration |
Y |
N |
Report Browser |
Y |
Y |
Status |
Y |
Y |
- Legend:
Y: Displayed.
N: Not displayed.
The menu items of the menu frame are described below.
- Resource Browser
Opens the Resource Browser window. For details, see 4.2 Resource Browser window.
- Resource Data Reference
Opens the Resource Data Reference window. For details, see 4.5 Resource Data Reference window.
- Resource Configuration
Opens the Resource Configuration window. For details, see 4.3 Resource Configuration window.
- Resource Reference
Opens the Resource Reference window. For details, see 4.4 Resource Reference window.
- Resource Condition Output
Displays the Resource Condition Output window, which can be used to select resource collection conditions, in the view frame. The following shows the Resource Condition Output window.
Figure 2‒2: Resource Condition Output window Table 2‒2: Items displayed in the Resource Condition Output window Item
Collection Condition Configuration Information
Outputs the collection condition configuration information to the ssocolset.txt file.
Outputs the selected configuration information in text format.
- Resource Status Browser
Displays the display condition setup view, which is used to set the resource status display conditions, in the view frame. The following shows the display condition setup view and describes the items displayed in that view.
Figure 2‒3: Display condition setup view Table 2‒3: Items displayed in the display condition setup view Item
A list box that lists the servers whose resources are being monitored. In this list box, you can select the server whose resource status you want to display.
Resource (ID)
A list box that lists the resources that are being monitored. In this list box, you can select the resources whose status you want to display.
Select All
Click this item to select all the items displayed in the list box.
Release All
Click this item to deselect all the items selected in the list box.
Update List
Click this item to update the status of the monitored servers and resources.
Click this item to display the resource status display window, which displays the statuses of resources that match the specified display conditions.
After you have specified the conditions in the display condition setup window, if you click the Browse button, the resource status display window appears. The following shows the resource status display window and describes the resource status icons displayed in that window.
Figure 2‒4: Resource status display window - Note 1
For resources whose values have not been calculated, a hyphen (-) is displayed. Resource values are not calculated in the following cases:
Threshold monitoring is not performed.
Resource values have not yet been collected (for example, immediately after the start of collection).
- Note 2
If the names of all instances in the same resource are numeric values, the displayed names are sorted by natural ordering. In other cases (if there are instances whose names include character strings), the displayed names are sorted in lexical order.
Table 2‒4: Resource status icons displayed in the resource status display window Icon
Resource status
For the meaning of resource statuses, see 2.2.3(2) Thresholds and resource statuses. For the resource hierarchy, such as categories and resource groups, see 2.2 Resource monitoring function.
- Creating User resource definition
Displays the Creating User resource definition window, which is used to create user resource definitions, in the view frame. The following shows the items in the Creating User resource definition window.
For details on the items that are set in the Creating User resource definition window, see 6.3.14 User resource definition file.
Figure 2‒5: Creating User resource definition window Table 2‒5: Items displayed in the Creating User resource definition window Item
Resource Category
Enter a resource category name. You can use alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). The name must begin with USER. If this field is omitted, USER is assumed when a user resource definition is created or downloaded.
A list box that lists the resource IDs.
When you select a resource ID, the details of that resource are displayed. Immediately after a new resource is added, Undefined is displayed.
Adds a new resource.
If there are already 10,000 resources, you cannot add any more.
Deletes the resource that is selected in Resource.
Delete All
Deletes all the resources that are displayed in Resource.
Resource ID
Specify a number from 10,000 to 19,999. You must specify a number that is not already being used in the system. The resource ID that is entered will be added to the Resource list box.
Resource Group Label (English)
Enter an English label name for the resource group. This field is required.
Resource Label (English)
Enter an English label name for the resource. This field is required.
You can use ASCII characters other than tabs, spaces, commas (,), colons (:), semicolons (;), forward slashes (/), and escape characters (\).
Resource Group Label (Japanese)
If you will specify a resource name in Japanese, enter a Japanese label name for the resource group.
You can use multibyte characters, single-byte alphanumeric characters, and symbols. You cannot use single-byte katakana characters. The label name cannot include tabs, spaces, commas (,), colons (:), and/or semicolons (;).
If you specify this field, enter both the Resource Group Label (Japanese) and Resource Label (Japanese).
This field must not exceed 32 bytes.
Resource Label (Japanese)
If you will specify a resource name in Japanese, enter a Japanese label name for the resource.
You can use multibyte characters, single-byte alphanumeric characters, and symbols. You cannot use single-byte katakana characters. The label name cannot include tabs, spaces, commas (,), colons (:), and/or semicolons (;).
If you specify this field, enter both the Resource Group Label (Japanese) and Resource Label (Japanese).
This field must not exceed 32 bytes.
Resource Unit
Enter a resource unit.
It must be no more than 32 bytes. You can use alphanumeric characters, percent signs (%), forward slashes (/), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
Threshold Display Mode
Select one of the following threshold display modes. This field is required.
Normal < Warning < Critical
Critical < Warning < Normal
Note: Up to 10,000 resources can be defined.
Figure 2‒6: Creating User resource definition window (SubResource MIB Object) Table 2‒6: Items displayed in the Creating User resource definition window (SubResource MIB Object) Item
Keyword for the subresource MIB object.
Object ID
Enter an object ID for the subresource MIB object. The object ID must start with a period (.). This field is required.
Object Type
Select from one of the following object types for the subresource MIB object. This field is required.
Note: Up to 26 subresource MIB objects can be defined.
- Important
Blank lines will be removed, which will change the relationship between subresource MIB objects and their keywords. When defining two or more subresource MIB objects, be sure to define them in order from the top.
Figure 2‒7: Creating User resource definition window (SubResource) Table 2‒7: Items displayed in the Creating User resource definition window (SubResource) Item
SubResource Name (English)
Enter an English subresource name. This field is required.
You can use ASCII characters other than tabs, spaces, commas (,), colons (:), semicolons (;), forward slashes (/), and escape characters (\).
SubResource Name (Japanese)
Enter a Japanese subresource name.
You can use multibyte characters, single-byte alphanumeric characters, and symbols. You cannot use single-byte katakana characters. The label name cannot include tabs, spaces, commas (,), colons (:), and/or semicolons (;).
This field must not exceed 32 bytes.
MIB Expression
Enter an MIB expression. This field is required.
You can use operator symbols (+, -, *, and /), integers, and parentheses (( and )).
Specify which of the MIB values specified in the subresource MIB object is to be used as data with keywords a to z and operator symbols. If, however, the subresource includes an MIB whose object type is String, you must specify keywords alone.
For the notation of the MIB expression, use infix notation. You cannot use postfix notation.
If the collection interval is included in the MIB expression, specify the SamplingTime variable.
For the MIB expression, specify a value within 8,191 bytes.
Note: Up to 32 subresources can be defined.
Specify an instance MIB object if the instance name for the subresource MIB object is replaced with the value for another MIB object.
Figure 2‒8: Creating User resource definition window (Instance MIB Object) Table 2‒8: Items displayed in the Creating User resource definition window (Instance MIB Object) Item
Object ID
Enter the MIB object ID for acquiring the MIB value that will be used to replace the suffix of the MIB object entered in Object ID for SubResource MIB Object.
You can use numbers and periods (.). An object ID must start with a period (.).
Number 1
Enter the ordinal number of the object that forms the suffix of the MIB object entered in Object ID, which will be compared with the suffix of the MIB object entered in Object ID for SubResource MIB Object. You can specify a number from 1 to 32 for Number 1. You can specify multiple numbers. When specifying multiple numbers, enter the numbers in ascending order, and delimit each number with a comma (,) or delimit the first and last numbers with a comma (,).
Number 2
Enter the ordinal number of the object that forms the suffix of the MIB object entered in Object ID for SubResource MIB Object, which will be compared with the suffix of the MIB object entered in Object ID. You can specify a number from 1 to 32 for Number 2. You can specify multiple numbers. When specifying multiple numbers, enter the numbers in ascending order, and delimit each number with a comma (,) or delimit the first and last numbers with a comma (,).
Number 3
Enter the ordinal number of the object that forms the suffix of the MIB object entered in Object ID for SubResource MIB Object, which will be replaced with the MIB value of the MIB object entered in Object ID. You can specify a number from 1 to 32 for Number 3. You can specify multiple numbers. When specifying multiple numbers, enter the numbers in ascending order, and delimit each number with a comma (,) or delimit the first and last numbers with a comma (,).
Object Type
Select from one of the following object types for the instance MIB object:
Note: Up to 32 instance MIB objects can be defined.
Figure 2‒9: Creating User resource definition window (bottom of the window) Table 2‒9: Items displayed in the Creating User resource definition window (bottom of the window) Item
Temporary Save
Temporarily saves the entered content #. If you display a different menu window without performing a temporary save, the entered content will be lost when you return to the Creating User resource definition window.
Creates a user resource configuration file from the entered content.
Downloads the entered content as a user resource definition file.
The user resource definition file is output in the SJIS character encoding.
Clears the entered content.
Only the resource definitions selected in the Resource list box are cleared.
- #:
Temporary save is performed automatically with the following operations:
- When a resource is added
- When a resource is deleted, or when all resources are deleted
- When a different resource ID is selected in the Resource list box, and the display switches
- When the content entered for a resource is cleared
- Process Monitor
Opens the Process Monitor window. For details, see 4.8 Process Monitor window.
- Process Configuration
Opens the Process Configuration window. For details, see 4.6 Process Configuration window.
- Process Reference
Opens the Process Reference window. For details, see 4.7 Process Reference window.
- Process Condition Output
Displays the Process Condition Output window, which can be used to select process monitoring conditions, in the view frame. The following shows the Process Condition Output window.
Figure 2‒10: Process Condition Output window Table 2‒10: Items displayed in the Process Condition Output window Item
Monitoring Application Configuration Information
Outputs the monitoring application configuration information to the ssopsset_ap.txt file.
Monitoring Server Configuration Information
Outputs the monitoring server configuration information to the ssopsset_sp.txt file.
Monitoring Condition Configuration Information
Outputs the monitoring condition configuration information to the ssopsset_mp.txt file.
Outputs the selected configuration information in text format.
- Report Configuration
Opens the Report Configuration window. For details, see 4.9 Report Configuration window.
- Report Browser
Displays a list of created report files in the view frame.
- Status
Displays the status of each daemon process in the view frame. The following figure shows an example of the console window displayed when Status is clicked.
Figure 2‒11: Example of the console window displayed (when Status is clicked)
(3) View frame
This area displays the report file list, the status information, the Resource Condition Output window, and the Process Condition Output window.
(4) Notes
(a) Note on use in a Chinese environment
When the monitoring manager is running on Windows or Linux, and the language used for SSO operation is Chinese, the following parts are displayed in Chinese, and other parts are displayed in English. For details on the supported Chinese language environment, see I. Language Environment.
Header frame
Menu frame
View frame (buttons and labels in the Resource Status Browser window, the Report Browser window, the Resource Condition Output window and the Process Condition Output window.)
(b) Notes on outputting resource collection conditions or process monitoring conditions
The character encoding and line break code that are used for the file to which resource collection conditions or process monitoring conditions are output depend on the monitoring manager.
(c) Notes on creating a user resource configuration file in the Creating User resource definition window
Do not create a user resource configuration file in the Creating User resource definition window and with the ssocolconf command at the same time.