2.1.2 Behavior when receiving email
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Behavior when receiving email (for Windows)
The following figure shows the behavior of a Windows system at email reception.
The details about the places for storing data in the above figure are as follows:
Mail server
This stores received email.
This stores received email. Outlook manages this folder.
Email text
If you specify the name of a message text file in the Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] - [Option after Receive] dialog box used to define an email reception monitoring job, the message texts for emails that satisfy the monitoring condition are stored in the specified message text file. If there is a file with the same name in the folder, it will be overwritten.
Attached file
If you specify the name of a folder for saving attached files in the Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] - [Option after Receive] dialog box used to define an email reception monitoring job, the files attached to emails that satisfy the monitoring condition are stored in the specified file. The attached files are saved in the specified folder without their names being changed. If there is a file with the same name in the folder, it will be overwritten.
List file for attached files
If you specify the name of a list file in the Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] - [Option after Receive] dialog box used to define an email reception monitoring job, a list of the files attached to emails that satisfy the monitoring condition is stored in the specified list file. If there is a file with the same name in the folder, it will be overwritten. For details on the format of the list, see 2.6.3 List file for email reception monitoring job (Windows only).
For details on the email text, attached files, and list file for attached files, and how to perform the Option after receive settings in the Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] dialog box, see 12.4.20 Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide. See also 12.4.21 Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] - [Option after Receive] dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.
File for storing passing information
If you specify passing information in the dialog box that opens when the Pass Info button in the Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] dialog box is used to define an email reception monitoring job, the information about emails that satisfy the monitoring condition is stored when received emails are to be passed to the succeeding job.
The following information is stored in the mail folder in the folder specified in the EvjobInfFile environment setting parameter.
Email text
Every time the email reception monitoring job in which MLRCVBODY is specified as passing information encounters email that satisfies the monitoring condition, a file is created (with an arbitrary name) and the email text is stored in the file.
Attached file
Every time the email reception monitoring job in which MLRCVATTACHFILExx (where xx is a value from 01 to 20) is specified as passing information encounters email that satisfies the monitoring condition, a folder is created (with an arbitrary name) and the files attached to the email are stored in the folder (with the file name unchanged).
List file for attached files
Every time the email reception monitoring job in which MLRCVATTACHLIST is specified as passing information encounters email that satisfies the monitoring condition, a file is created (with an arbitrary name) and details of the files attached to the email are stored in the file. For details on the format of the list file, see 2.6.3 List file for email reception monitoring job (Windows only).
If you do not specify any folder in the EvjobInfFile environment setting parameter, passing information is stored in the folder defined as the default folder for EvjobInfFile.
For details about the EvjobInfFile environment setting parameter, see 20.6.2(17) EvjobInfFile in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.
For details on the Pass Info button in the Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] dialog box, see 12.4.20 Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.
For details about the MLRCVBODY, MLRCVATTACHFILE, and MLRCVATTACHLIST passing information, see B. Information Passed by Event Jobs in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.
- Cautionary notes
After email is received, the files are created for storing the email text, the attached files, the list of attached files, and passing information. However, JP1/AJS3 does not automatically delete these files. These files might use a large amount of system disk space, so delete them when they become unnecessary.
In the environment for mail system linkage, if the action after email reception is set to Open, the opened email will remain in Inbox of Outlook. This email might use a large amount of system disk space in the mail server or in the computer where mail system linkage is performed. Activate Outlook with the profile for the mail system linkage on a regular basis to delete the opened email remaining in Inbox.
Note that before you delete email from Inbox of Outlook, you must stop the JP1/AJS3 mail monitoring process or the JP1/AJS3 Mail service.
For details on the procedures for starting and stopping the JP1/AJS3 mail monitoring process and the JP1/AJS3 Mail service, see 2.3.6 Starting and ending the mail system linkage function.
(2) Behavior when receiving email (for UNIX)
The following figure shows the behavior of a UNIX system at email reception.
The details about the files for storing data in the above figure are as follows:
This stores received email. This file can be used by the JP1/AJS3 mail linkage function. Upon reception of email, the jpomailrecv command (email delivery setting command) executed by the sendmail appends the received email to the internal mail file.
The name of the internal email file is created by adding the monitoring user name to /var/opt/jp1ajs2/tmp/mailbox/.
File for storing passing information
If you specify passing information in the dialog box that opens when the Pass Info button in the Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] dialog box is used to define an email reception monitoring job, the information about emails that satisfy the monitoring condition is stored when received emails are to be passed to the succeeding job.
When received email is passed to the succeeding job, if the email reception monitoring job in which MLRCVMAILBODY is specified as passing information encounters email that satisfies the monitoring condition, a file is created and the received email is stored in the file.
A file for storing passing information is assigned a name that begins with MLDT. This file is stored in the mail directory under the event job information passing directory specified by the EvjobInfFile environment setting parameter of event/action control. The default directory is /var/opt/jp1ajs2/sys/infoagt/tmp/infodir/.
For details about the Pass Info button in the Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] dialog box, see 12.4.20 Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.
For details about the MLRCVMAILBODY passing information, see B. Information Passed by Event Jobs in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.
Received email is appended to this file when the email reception monitoring job instructed to save received email encounters the email that satisfies the monitoring condition.
The name of the email storage file is the value of the MailFileName environment setting parameter of event/action control.
File for storing unmatched email
This stores (to the end) the email that does not satisfy the monitoring condition of the email reception monitoring job.
The name of the file for storing unmatched email is created by adding the monitoring user name to the directory specified for the NotMatchMailDir environment setting parameter of event/action control.
File for listing received email
The mail header is appended to this file when the email reception monitoring job specifying the name of the file for listing received email encounters the email that satisfies the monitoring condition.
The name of the file for listing received email is specified for the email reception list of the email reception monitoring job.
If mail reception monitoring fails while judging email, the email is appended to this file.
The name of the error email file is /var/opt/jp1ajs2/sys/infoagt/tmp/mail/errmail.
- Cautionary notes
The email reception monitoring job creates files for storing passing information, email, unmatched email, received email listing, and error email. However, JP1/AJS3 does not automatically delete these files. These files might use a large amount of system disk space, so delete them when they become unnecessary.
With the mail system linkage function of JP1/AJS3, email continues to accumulate in the internal email files created by the delivery function unless an email reception monitoring job is executed. The internal email files might use a large amount of system disk space, so periodically delete unnecessary internal email files.
Note that before you delete internal email files, you must stop the mail reception monitoring process and set the mail delivery function so that email is not delivered to the internal mail file.
For details on the mail delivery function, see 2.4.3 Setting up the mail delivery function.