
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (For UNIX Systems)

9.2.2 Failures in a program performing user-specific processing

This section describes the procedures when a failure occurs in a program performing user-specific processes. The following shows the applicable programs.


Method of investigation

Causes and corrective actions

A program error occurs or the program receives signal and terminates abnormally.

The process is stopped, and a status code is sent to the job management file of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager. Check the status code on the managing server side.

To check on machine where the failure occurred, view the following log files using the cat command.

  • For systems other than HP-UX



  • For HP-UX



Resolve the problem and retry.

The external program processing for installation does not end within the monitoring time.

The installation did not end within the monitoring time specified in APWatchTimer of the registration file.

The installation is stopped, and the next installation process is being performed. The status of the package for which the installation process was stopped is sent to the managing server with the installation failure status code.

For an external program processing before installation, re-distribute the package from the managing server after correcting the failure.

For an external program processing after installation, check whether the package installation has been completed normally in the distribution-destination system.

If the package is installed correctly, change the status code of the package status file at the managing server as indicated below to complete normally:

  1. In the user resource status file, specify the status code to notify to the managing server.

  2. Execute the rdsusnd command to send the file to the managing server.

For details on how to create the user resource status file, see 4.5.2 Reporting user resource status in PART 1.

If the installation has failed, re-distribute the package from the managing server.

The external program processing after market software installation does not end within the monitoring time.


Because the program product setup has been completed normally, there is no need to re-distribute the package. Re-execute the external program processing after market software installation, at the distribution-destination system.


N/A: Not applicable