
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (For UNIX Systems)


The rdsft command executes packaging and remotely installs packages.

Organization of this page


  1. Instructs the system to register a program product from a tape- or disk-based device or a hard disk.

  2. Requests packaging of user data and user programs from the hard disk.

  3. Instructs an end workstation to distribute a package according to a distribution job from the managing server.


  1. Packaging of a program product

    rdsft -c
  2. Packaging of user data and user programs

    rdsft -c
  3. Package distribution

    rdsft -a



In an end workstation, when there is a distribution job addressed to the local UNIX machine, this option instructs that the package be distributed according to that distribution job. The command processing terminates after completion of all jobs of distribution to your own UNIX machine.

In case an error occurs during the processing of multiple jobs of distribution to your own UNIX machine, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent operates as follows:

  • If an error occurs during installation in process, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent aborts the processing of the distribution job involved in the error and proceeds to another distribution job.

  • If an error occurs during communication with the managing server, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager aborts the processing of all distribution jobs.

JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent terminates processing if there is no job of distribution to your own UNIX machine.

If the upper-level system contains no system configuration information of the local UNIX machine, or the local UNIX machine contains system configuration information that should be reported to the upper-level system, the system configuration information is reported when the local UNIX machine is connected to the upper-level system.

-Cspecial-file-name or hitachi-program-product-storage-directory ~ ((1 to 128 characters))

When registering Hitachi program products, you must specify this option.


Specify the absolute pathname from /dev/ of a special file for a tape or disk device that stores the resources you want to package. For details on how to specify a special file name, see 2.2.2(1) Registering Hitachi program products.

If you want to perform packaging of a program product, using a special file that is not standard for the system, you must define the special file beforehand in a special file definition file. For details on how to define a special file, see 2.2.3(3) Setting the special file definition file.


Specify the absolute path of the directory where the Hitachi program products are stored. Note that you cannot specify the root directory (/). The specified Hitachi program product storage directory must contain OS directories named like those listed below. These directories may be named in lowercase letters. Do not store anything other than these OS directories in the specified Hitachi program product storage directory.



Specify this option to register resources with the managing server.

Make sure that the size of the resource does not exceed 2 gigabytes before and after registration. Registered resources can only be distributed to machines with the same operating system as the registration source.

-Duser-resource-path-file-name ~ ((1 to 128 characters))

Specify the name of a user resource path file. Specifying this option enables JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent to execute packaging of multiple directories and files in a batch. For details on how to create a user resource path file, see 2.2.3(2) Creating the user resource path file. You must not specify the -D option together with the -d option. Do not specify a path using two consecutive periods (..) as the user resource path file parameter. If you omit this parameter, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent distributes directories or files under /NETMRDS/UPUPL/hd/ (other than HP-UX) or /var/opt/NETMDMW/UPUPL/hd/ (HP-UX). If packaging of an empty directory is executed, only the directory frame is restored on the distribution destination.

-duser-resource-path ~ ((1 to 128 characters))

Specify the absolute or relative path of a directory or file that stores the resources you want to package.

You must not specify option -d together with option -D. Do not specify a path using two consecutive periods (..).

If you omit the -d option, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent distributes directories or files under /NETMRDS/UPUPL/hd/ (other than HP-UX) or /var/opt/NETMDMW/UPUPL/hd/ (HP-UX). If packaging of an empty directory is executed, only the directory frame is restored on the distribution destination.

-Ggeneration-number ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters or numerics> ((4 digits))

Specify the generation number of the package you want to register.

The generation number specified in the -G option has priority over that specified in the packaging-information file. If you omit the -G option, the corresponding specification in the packaging-information file is effective.

-gcabinet-ID ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters or numerics> ((2 characters))

Specify a cabinet ID for packaging. Full up to 256 resources can be packaged in one cabinet. To creating a new cabinet and packaging into it, specify a cabinet ID in this option to the cabinet, then JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent automatically creates the cabinet and can execute packaging.

Register different cabinet IDs with different managing servers. If you register different packages with the same cabinet ID in different managing servers, you may not be able to distribute the packages.

Unless you specify the -g option and a cabinet ID, the cabinet ID specified in the packaging-information file is effective. The specification in the -g option has priority over that in the packaging-information file. If you do not use the packaging-information file, always specify the -g option.

-hupper-level-system-host-name ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters, numerics, hyphens, underscores, or periods > ((1 to 64 characters))

If you want to use an end workstation to perform packaging or job confirmation for an upper-level system other than what is specified in ManagingHost in the settings file, specify the host name of that upper-level system.

-kpassword ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters or numerics> ((8 to 28 characters))

Specify a password for registering resources with the managing server. For the password, specify the password used for the managing server database.

If you omit the -k option, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent displays a message prompting password input. If you want to input a password without having it displayed on the screen, enter a password in response to this message. If you specify option -Q, you must not omit the -k option.

-pprogram-name ~ ((1 to 50 characters))

Specify a general name to assign to the package you want to register. Specify this name if you want to assign the package a generally known name other than the package ID. Unless you specify the -p option and a program name, the corresponding specification in the packaging-information file is effective. The specification in the -p option has priority over that in the packaging-information file. If you do not specify the name of the packaging-information file and if you omit the -p option, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent assumes a space character.


Specify this option if you want JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent to immediately quit the ongoing processing without waiting for the response in case a password input error or some other error should occur during packaging operation. If you specify the -Q option, you must not omit the -k option.

Specify the -Q option so that the command processing will terminate immediately in the following case:

  • You do not give a password to the command.

  • The password is incorrect.

  • Packaging for another distribution-destination system is being executed for the target group for packaging.

Also, you may specify the -Q option so that JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent will quit the command execution without displaying the KDDM1544-Q message. This message prompts you to decide whether to overwrite the specified package if the same package ID exists.

-rpackage-ID ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters, numerics, hyphens, or underscores> ((1 to 44 characters))

Specify an ID for the package you want to register. The package ID must be unique in the network system.

The package ID specified in the -r option has priority over that specified in the packaging-information file. If you omit the -r option, the corresponding specification in the packaging-information file is effective. If you apply a system that does not use the packaging-information file, always specify the -r option.

{-s|-Spackaging-target-program-product-designation} ~ ((1 to 128 alphanumeric characters))

Specify a program product that is a target of packaging. To package a Hitachi program product that has a general and individual model name, you cannot specify the individual model name. You can only specify a general name.


Indicates the packaging of a program product specified in the packaging-information file.

-S packaging-target-program-product-designation

Indicates that you must specify the designation of a program product you want to register. Specify the program product designation with 128 or less characters including space characters and special characters.

You must specify either of the -s and -S options.

-Vprerequisite-version ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters, numerics, or slants>((1 to 6 characters))

Specify a prerequisite version for distributing the package you want to register. The prerequisite version specified in the -V option has priority over that specified in the packaging-information file. If you omit specifying the -V option, the corresponding specification in the packaging-information file is effective.

If you specify 000000 as the prerequisite version parameter, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent unconditionally distributes the package, regardless of the prerequisite version.

If this parameter specification does not exist in neither packaging-information file nor -V option, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent assumes a space character and distributes the package of resources without checking the prerequisite version.

-vversion ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters, numerics, or slants>((1 to 6 characters))

Specify the version of the package you want to register.

The version specified in the -v option has priority over the corresponding specification in the packaging-information file. If you omit the -v option, the specification in the packaging-information file is effective.


Specify the absolute or relative pathname of the packaging-information file. For packaging of user data and user programs, if you omit specifying the packaging-information file parameter, user resource path parameter, and user resource path file parameter, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent assumes the following path of the packaging-information file as appropriate:

/NETMRDS/UPUPL/AC000000 (other than HP-UX)

/var/opt/NETMDMW/UPUPL/AC000000 (HP-UX)

If you do not use the packaging-information file, when you enter the command for packaging, always specify the following option(s) as appropriate:

For packaging of program products


For packaging of user data and user programs



End code

End code


0 or 1

Terminated normally.


Free disk space is insufficient. Delete unnecessary files.


Interface is invalid. Review the settings file or packaging-information file.


System error occurred. Contact system administrator.


Communication error occurred. Contact system administrator.


Internal error occurred. Contact system administrator.


Activation impossible. Contact system administrator.


Packaging of the same package ID has already been done or packaging of the same package ID for the same group is now being done from another terminal. In the former case, review the packaging-information file or delete the package registered by previous packaging. In the latter case, re-execute the command after a while.


An invalid package has been registered. Delete the invalid package.


Number of registered packages exceeds the limit. Contact the system administrator of the managing server.


Packaging is now being done from another terminal. Re-execute the command after a while.
