
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (For UNIX Systems)

6.1.1 Acquiring backups

When a package specified with the recovery facility is distributed, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent acquires the backup of the old version before installing the package. The following paragraphs describe the methods of acquiring backups for each type of package.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Hitachi program products

JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent acquires the backup of the old version of the distributed package. If an error has occurred during the installation of the old package, the backup is not acquired. The backup is acquired if a setup error has occurred.

(2) Another company's software

The recovery facility is available for only the HP-UX version of another company's software.

When the recovery facility is used to distribute the HP-UX version of another company's software, the standard OS installation command swinstall is executed at the distribution-destination systems with the -x autorecover_product=true option specified. At this time, a backup of the old version of the distributed software is acquired.

(3) User data and user programs

The backup for files to be overwritten is usually acquired. However, you can acquire the backup of your choice by using the backup list.

(a) Acquiring backups without using the backup list

If packages without a backup list specification are installed, only the backup for files and directories to be overwritten are be acquired when you execute the recovery facility during distribution of the next versions. Accordingly, the backup for files and directories created after being installed in the distribution-destination system is not acquired.

Figure 6-1 shows recovery without using the backup list.

Figure 6‒1: Recovery without using the backup list


(b) Acquiring backups using the backup list

If you specify the file and directory names created after installation in the backup list, their backups can be acquired. After creating the backup list, specify the name of the backup list in the UAPBackupList of the registered files. Accordingly, the backup will be acquired according to the backup list specification after the package that specified the backup list is installed when the recovery facility executes distribution in the following versions.

Figure 6-2 shows recovery using the backup list.

Figure 6‒2: Recovery using the backup list


In the backup list, specify the files and directories to be created after installation, and the files and directories of packages to be overwritten.

Note the following when writing files and directories in the backup list:

  • Either the absolute paths or the relative paths can be used to specify files and directories. Relative paths can be used for the files under the directory of the previous installation target.

  • After each entry, press the Enter key. One line can contain one entry.

  • You cannot write the entries using the UNIX regular expression.

  • You cannot use apostrophes (') when writing directory names and file names.

  • Do not write socket devices.