
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (For UNIX Systems)

5.4.2 Setting the host name

Specify the host names described below in the /etc/hosts file.

If you use JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent in a firewall environment, the host name definition differs depending on the firewall environment. For details on the host name definition in a firewall environment, see 5.3.4 Settings when using firewalls.

  • If your system uses a name server in a TCP/IP environment, do not specify host name aliases that differ only in the case of the letters, but are otherwise identical. That is, do not specify aliases such as the following:

Example (Invalid network information specified in /etc/named.db.)     IN A     123.456.0.7 IN CNAME IN CNAME
  • To change the host name or IP address of the local system, make sure that no job is being executed, stop JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent, and then change the host name or IP address. In addition, delete the files below in either of the following cases: (i) If the host name is specified for the working key in the settings of the managing server, and the host name of the local system (local host name of the OS or DMHOSTNAME of the operating-environment settings file) is changed, or (ii) if the IP address is specified for the working key, and the IP address of the local system (the local IP address of the OS or DMIPADDR of the operating-environment settings file) is changed.

    For systems other than HP-UX: /NETMRDS/rdsprm/.myname

    For HP-UX: /var/opt/NETMDMW/rdsprm/.myname

  • If host name for local system is not specified on /etc/hosts or the name server, there is a case where IP address of NIC that cannot connect to the manager is used as host name for local system. When there is a NIC that cannot connect to the manager, specify the host name for local system on /etc/hosts or the name server. (Version 12-00-04 or later)

  • For environment with HP-UX OS, if host name for local system is not specified on /etc/hosts or the name server, the following precautions apply. (Version 12-00-04 or later)

    1. When notifying software information, another company's software information and patch information are not notified.

    2. Another company's software and OS patch cannot be distributed.