
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (For UNIX Systems)

4.5.2 Reporting user resource status

The distribution-destination system can place the status of the user resource integrated into the local machine in the user resource status file, and use the rdsusnd command of the client services to send this file to the managing server. The status of user resource will be reflected on the package status file of the managing server.

This applies to the following user-specific information which is not managed under JP1/IT Desktop Management 2:

The information entered in the package status file can also be recorded at the distribution-destination system side. This prevents repeat distribution if the managing server executes a distribution job for a package with the same name as one already installed on the system.

Note, however, that this method reports the installation status of Hitachi program products, another company's software, and OS patches to the managing server.

The rdsusnd command for reporting the user response status can be used after job execution from the managing server succeeds at least once.

Figure 4-4 shows reporting of user resource status.

Figure 4‒4: Reporting the user response status


Organization of this subsection

(1) Rules for creating the user resource status file

Create the user resource status file by using the following line format, with a text editor, etc.


Specify the item to be specified in the packaging-information file.


Specify the value to be set for an item in the packaging-information file.

Create the user resource status file according to the rules below.

(2) Details about the user resource status file

(a) Format

ResourceName package-ID
ResultInformation {NORMAL | ERROR}
Status user-status
[Version version]
[Generation generation-number]
[Comments user-comment]

(b) Explanation

ResourceName package-ID ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters, numerics, hyphens, or underscores> ((1 to 44 characters))

Specify the name of the package of which distribution result is to be sent.

ResultInformation ~ {NORMAL|ERROR}

Set the distribution result of a package in the end status. Specify this item to send the distribution result of the package, which is distributed by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent, to the managing server.


Set the end status (90).


Set the end status (9F).

Status user-status ~ <hexadecimal number> ((2 digits))

Specify the distribution result of the package, which is to be sent to the managing server, as the user status. For the method of specifying the user status, see Appendix B. Status Codes.

Version version ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters, numerics, or slants> ((1 to 6 characters))

Specify the version of the package. If you do not specify this value, 000000 is assumed.

Generation generation-number ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters or numerics> ((4 digits))

Specify the generation number of the package. If you do not specify this value, 0000 is assumed.

Comments user-comment ~ ((1 to 50 characters))

Specify the user comment for the package. If you do not specify this value, a space character is assumed.

On the managing server, this value is displayed in the installed package list.