
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (For UNIX Systems)

2.4.6 File attributes when installing the package

Organization of this subsection

(1) When distributing a package registered from UNIX

The file attributes at the packager are inherited by the file attributes (file mode, owner, and group) when the package is installed.

(2) When distributing a package registered from Windows

Depending on the selections (such as the File Properties page) made at registration, the file attributes (file mode, owner, and group) when the package is installed are defined.

(a) If "Use the permissions and owner of the installation directory" is selected in the "File Properties" page at registration, and a file for validating the file attributes is created on the distribution-destination system

The same attributes as those at the installation destination are applied to the file attributes at package installation. If an existing file at the installation destination is overwritten, the file attributes will not be changed. If a new file is installed, the attributes of the upper-level directory will be inherited.

To create a file for validating the file attributes, use the following procedure:

  • For OSs other than HP-UX:

    touch /NETMRDS/rdsprm/.EnableFileProperties

  • For OSs other than HP-UX:

    touch /var/opt/NETMDMW/rdsprm/.EnableFileProperties

(b) If (a) is not applicable to the situation

The following is applied as the file attributes when the package is installed:

  • File mode: 700

  • Owner: root

  • Group: sys

    If the OS of the distribution-destination system is AIX or Linux, and a group definition (sys) does not exist, the following group is applied:

    system (For AIX)

    root (For Linux)