
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (For UNIX Systems)

2.2 Software registration (packaging)

In order to distribute a software resource, it must be registered on the managing server. This is called packaging. Make sure that the software does not exceed 2 gigabytes before and after registration. The name of a file or directory registered as a resource must not contain spaces, character strings enclosed in (), [], or {}, or the following special 1-byte characters.

$, !, *, ?, ;, &, ", ', `, ^, \, |, <, >

You register software resources from JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent. The system at which the user registers a package is called a packager. At the managing server, the administrator can set a password to check whether any user attempting to register a package is authorized to do so.

Packages can be compressed at packaging time, which reduces the amount of the following data:

In addition, compressed packages are not expanded until installation on a distribution-destination system, thereby reducing the amount of data at distribution.

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