
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (For UNIX Systems)

1.2.1 Network configuration

Figure 1-1 shows a network configuration example of a JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 system.

Figure 1‒1: Network configuration example


Note that in the UNIX version of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent, the commands that can be used and the environmental settings details differ depending on whether the managing server is connected directly or via a relay system. Therefore, a system that is connected directly to the managing server (including a Windows relay system) is called an end workstation, and a system that is connected via a relay system is called a client workstation.

For details about network configurations where UNIX and Windows coexist, see (3) Network configurations where Windows systems coexist.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Network configuration under JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager as a managing server

JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 series of programs operates in a WAN or LAN environment. TCP/IP is used over a LAN. JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 also supports firewalls.

One or more relay systems (JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent) can be configured between the managing server (JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager) and the distribution-destination systems (JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent). It is also possible to connect a managing server directly to a distribution-destination system (end workstation) without using any relay systems. The managing server includes a Windows relay system for management.

(2) Network configuration with multiple LAN connections

When the system consists of multiple local area network (LAN) connections, you can select the LAN used by each host in JP1. This function is called multiple LAN connections.

The JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 system uses multiple LAN connections in the following situations:

(3) Network configurations where Windows systems coexist

Figure 1-2 shows system configurations in which Windows systems coexist.

Figure 1‒2: Network configuration where Windows systems coexist


To perform packaging for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager in an environment where a UNIX and Windows JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent coexist, note the following:

Cabinet ID is assigned to both the cabinet name and cabinet ID, for the cabinet created in the Windows systems.

To set a name for the UNIX cabinet displayed on the Windows screen, register the cabinet in the Windows JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager, and then set a name at that time.