
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

F.3 Renaming the host

This section describes how to rename the host. You can use the same procedure to rename a logical host in a cluster environment.


Before you rename the host, stop all Asset Console services, commands, and tasks on the asset management server in the following order:

  1. World Wide Web Publishing Service or World Wide Web Publishing

  2. Asset Console commands and tasks

When you run Asset Console after having changed the host name, start the services in the reverse order of the order in which they were stopped.

  1. Stop the database.

    For details about how to stop the database, see F.4(2) Stopping the database.

  2. Use a text editor to open the pdsys file that is stored in Asset-Console-installation-folder\aimdb\conf.

  3. In the pdsys file, change host-name in pdunit -x host-name -u unt1 -d "Asset-Console-installation-folder\aimdb".

    If the above entry is longer than 80 bytes, specify it on multiple lines by adding \ at the end of each line other than the last line so that each line has 80 or fewer bytes. The following shows an example:

    pdunit -x host-name -u unt1\
    -d "Asset-Console-installation-folder\aimdb"
  4. Use a text editor to open the following files that are stored in Asset-Console-installation-folder\aimdb\conf\emb:

    • HiRDB.ini

    • reorganization_al.bat

    • reorganization_tb.bat

  5. In each file, change host-name in PDHOST=host-name.

  6. Rename the OS host.

  7. Restart the OS.