
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

18.1.2 Backing up and restoring the asset management database

This subsection describes how to back up and restore the asset management database.


There are two ways to back up the asset management database:

To back up and restore the asset management database using the Database Manager dialog box:

  1. Click the Start button and point to Programs, then to JP1_IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console, and then select Setup.

    The Setup dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Database Manager icon.

    The following Database Manager dialog box appears.

    Figure 18‒3: Database Manager dialog box


  3. Select the task that you want to execute and then click the Next button.

    For details about how to back up and restore the asset management database, see (1) and (3).

The method for backing up the asset management database using the command is described in (2).

Organization of this subsection

(1) Backing up the asset management database from the Database Manager dialog box

To back up the asset management database:

  1. In the Database Manager dialog box, select Back up Embedded RDB and then click the Next button.

    The dialog box for acquiring a backup of the database is displayed as shown below. Logs displays a maximum of 10 backup logs.

    Figure 18‒4: Dialog box for acquiring a backup of the database


  2. Specify the name of the backup file.

    In Backup file name, specify the name of the backup file. Clicking the ... button displays a dialog box in which you can browse files and specify a desired file. Specify 1 to 255 bytes of characters. Note that ", |, *, <, >, ?, &, ^, and / are not permitted. By default, Asset-Console-installation-folder\db\backup.dat is specified.

    By clicking a backup log displayed in Logs, you can specify the file path of the selected backup log.


    When data backup is executed, the contents of the asset management database are stored in the backup file. Therefore, specify a file in a folder on the drive that has sufficient free space.

  3. Enter a comment, if necessary.

    If there is additional information about the backup file, enter a maximum of 64 bytes of characters in Comment.

  4. Click the Execute button.

    The asset management database is backed up. When the backup processing is completed, a message to that effect is displayed and the database manager is terminated.

    If the backup processing fails, a message to that effect is displayed. Click the Show Maintenance Information button to check the execution result.

(2) Backing up the asset management database using commands

This subsection gives the function, format, options, return value, notes about command execution, and an execution example of jamemb_backup.bat, which is used to acquire a backup file of the asset management database.

jamemb_backup.bat is stored in the following folder:


(a) Function

This command backs up the asset management database.

(b) Format

jamemb_backup.bat -b backup-file-path -o result-file-path [-y]

(c) Options

-b backup-file-path

Specifies the full path of the file for which the backup is to be acquired. Specification of this option is mandatory.

-o result-file-path

Specifies the full path of the file to which the execution results are to be output. Specification of this option is mandatory.


If this option is specified, the command starts the backup processing without waiting for a key response.

If this option is omitted, the command waits for a key response. To cancel execution, press the Ctrl + C keys.

(d) Return value

Returns one of the following return values:

Return value



Normal termination. You can check the result file for the backup details.


Invalid option format.

101 or greater

Terminated with another error.

(e) Notes on command execution

Execute jamemb_backup.bat as a user with administrator permissions.

(f) Execution example

jamemb_backup.bat -b C:\temp\backup\Backup.dat -o C:\temp\backup\kekka.log -y

(3) Restoring the asset management database from the Database Manager dialog box

To restore the asset management database from a backup file:

  1. In the Database Manager dialog box, select Restore Embedded RDB and then click the Next button.

    The dialog box for restoring the database from its backup file is displayed as shown below. Logs displays a maximum of 10 backup logs.

    Figure 18‒5: Dialog box for restoring the database from its backup file


  2. Specify the name of the backup file.

    In Backup file name, specify the name of the backup file that is to be restored. Clicking the ... button displays a dialog box in which you can browse files and specify a desired file. Specify 1 to 255 bytes of characters. Note that ", |, *, <, >, ?, &, ^, and / are not permitted. By default, the file name specified in Backup file name during backup acquisition is specified. If you have changed the location of the backup file after backup processing, use the ... button to specify the correct file name.

    By clicking a backup log displayed in Logs, you can specify the file path of the selected backup log.

  3. Click the Execute button.

    The asset management database is restored from its backup file. When the restore processing is completed, a message to that effect is displayed and the database manager is terminated.

    If the restore processing fails, a message to that effect is displayed. Click the Show Maintenance Information button to check the execution result.


To restore a backup file, Asset Console must have been installed at the same path as when its backup was acquired. Before starting the restore processing, make sure that the installation folder has the same path as when the backup was acquired.