
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

16.8.6 Code information that cannot be added or deleted

For the following code IDs, the display value can be changed, but the code information cannot be added or deleted.

Table 16‒5: Code information that cannot be added or deleted

Managed class (managed class name)

Code ID (display name)

AssetInfo (asset information)

AssetKind (asset type)

AssetWorkKind (usage management)

DMStatus (ITDM2 Agent installed status)

Contract (contract information)

ContractObject (subject)

InstalledInfo (installed software information)

InventoryDelType (ITDM2 management information acquisition control)

InstalledList (installed software list)

InstalledInd (managed level)

Permit (permit)

InstalledUpdateRecord (software update log)

UpdateKind (update kind)

InstalledVirusDefInfo (virus definition information)

InventoryDelType (ITDM2 management information acquisition control)

ResidentKind (resident/nonresident)

LicenseAddUpRecord (license total log)

Permit (permit)

LicenseInfo (license information)

DownGrade (downgrade)

UpGrade (upgrade assurance)

Maintenance (maintenance log)

Importance (importance)

NetworkInfo (network information)

InventoryDelType (ITDM2 management information acquisition control)

IPAddressKind (IP address type)

PatchInfo (patch information)

InstalledStatus (applied status)

InventoryDelType (ITDM2 management information acquisition control)

TakeInventoryDef (ITDM2 management information)

InventoryUpType (update type)

UpdateRecord (device change log)

UpdateRecordInd (record indicator)

Others (codes not belonging to any of the above)

HardwareKind (hardware type)

JobKind (installation type)

RecordKind (managed information category)

RelationAsset (relationship)

SelectInstalledSoftwareType (software type)

SelectIPAddressAssign (IP address assignment)

SelectIPAddressType (usage)

UserOwnJobRole (official authority-based condition name)