
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

16.7.3 Assigning to a software name

To search for an installed software name that has not been assigned to a software name and assign it to a software name:

  1. In the search condition Assign Software, specify Unassigned, and then click the Search button.

    The installed software names that have not been assigned to software names are retrieved.

  2. Click the Installed software name link.

    The Installed Software Details dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click the Browse button for Software name.

    The Select Software dialog box is displayed.

  4. If necessary, specify conditions and then click the Search button.

    The software names satisfying the conditions are listed.

  5. Select the software name to which you want to assign the installed software name, and then click the OK button.

    The Select Software dialog box closes and Software name is specified.

  6. In the Installed Software Details dialog box, click the Update button.

    The Installed Software Details dialog box closes and the installed software name is assigned to the software name.