
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

14.1.8 Managing the device change log (Device Change Log)

By using the Device Change Log job menu, you can manage change log information, such as for a computing device's CPU, memory size, and disk space. You can detect increases or changes in memory and hard disk drives by browsing for changes in the memory size and disk space. You can also use this job to manage the change logs of IP addresses and MAC addresses.

Device change logs are acquired when you register management information from JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager.

To manage device change logs, start from the Device Change Log window, which is displayed by clicking the Device Change Log job menu. The following figure shows the Device Change Log window.

Figure 14‒14: Device Change Log window


If you click an Asset No. link in the search results list, the Device Details dialog box is displayed, allowing you to view the details of the corresponding device.

Providing email notification for device change logs

When any device change log data is acquired, the asset administrator can be notified via email of the number of devices for which the change occurred. For details about how to provide email notification regarding the number of devices for which a change has occurred, see 7.9.8 Notification of device information change.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Collecting the change logs for a specified period

In the Device Change Log window, for the search conditions, specify the period for which to acquire device change logs. By performing this type of search, you can obtain the change logs regarding the CPU, memory, and disk capacity devices for the specified period.

If you want to know when changes were made to a device's CPU, memory, or disk space, or if you want to see change logs related to the computing device type of each device, select the managed group, specify the start date and end date for Update date for the period over which you want to collect the logs, and then perform a search.

If the start date is omitted and only the end date is specified, logs are collected from the earliest date that JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager's management information was collected, until the end date.

If the end date is omitted and only the start date is specified, the logs are collected from the specified start date until the most recent log date.

(2) Collecting change logs for network addresses

To discover if an IP address or a MAC address has changed, specify Network address as a search condition.

Before you can acquire change logs for network addresses (IP or MAC addresses), you must first use the Acquire Device Update Record Items job menu to set IP addresses and MAC addresses as items for which to acquire change logs. For details about setting items to collect as change logs, see 11.6 Selecting the items to be acquired as device change logs (Acquire Device Update Record Items).

For Network address, IP addresses and MAC addresses are displayed in the form IP-address - MAC-address. If change logs are set to be acquired for only one of these types of addresses, however, only change logs for addresses of that type are displayed.


The MAC address value is used as the key for acquiring change logs for network addresses. For this reason, if MAC addresses are not set to be acquired as change logs, a change log might be acquired even if the IP address has not changed.