
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

13.4.4 How to specify an attached file

Files that are to be managed together with contracts, license certificates, and other contract information can be registered as attached files.

To specify an attached file:

  1. Click the Attach button in the attach file specification area.

    The Edit Attached Files dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The File Registration dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click the Browse button.

    A dialog box for selecting a file is displayed.

  4. Select the file to be added, and click the Open button.

    The specified file is added to File name when saved and Upload file. You can edit the character string displayed in File name when saved.

  5. Click the OK button.

    The specified file is added.

  6. Click the Close button.

    The File Registration dialog box closes.

  7. Click the Close button.

    The Edit Attached Files dialog box closes.

    At this point, the added file is not yet registered in the asset management system. When you click the OK or Update button on a window that has an attached file specification area, the file is registered with the asset management system.

    Note that if the added file is opened before the file is registered, it is downloaded with a file name that is different from the one specified in File name when saved.

The following figure shows the Edit Attached Files dialog box with files specified.

Figure 13‒10: Edit Attached Files dialog box
