
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

12.1.1 Definition steps and procedure

This subsection describes the steps required in defining an Item and the definition procedure.

Figure 12‒2: Item definition procedure


  1. Design the job.

    Examine the details of the job that is to use the Item. When a job is designed, the items requiring examination include the groups or people (called workers) involved, the range of each asset management task, the route, the workers' role, application and notification information, window components, timing of applying information to the asset management database and the details of processing, migration from an existing job, and scheduling including completion notification.

    For details about the Items to be examined at the job design stage, see 12.1.2 Designing a job that uses Items.

  2. Define official authority.

    Define the authority for executing each task, such as authorization, by a user with appropriate processing privilege, and then register the applicable user. In addition to the execution authority, also define the permission to reference the latest Item details, and then register the applicable user. You must define official authorities from the Official Authority job menu before defining an Item. For details about how to define official authorities, see 12.2 Defining authority for processing the Item (Official Authority).

  3. Add an Item category.

    Each Item belongs to an appropriate category. In the window for selecting a new Item (New Item window), Items are displayed on tabs classified by Item category.

    If you need to add a new Item category, use the Code job menu to add the category prior to Item definition. For details about how to add an Item category, see 16.8.1 Adding codes.

  4. Define the route.

    Define the route of the Item's flow in terms of the workers and processing. After the route is defined, specify the details of the workers and the processing that they execute on the route.

    To define the route of an Item, use the Flow Designer that is displayed from the Item Definition window. For details about how to define a route, see 12.3 Defining the route (Flow Designer).

  5. Define the Item windows.

    Define the Item windows that will be used by the workers. An Item window must be defined for each worker on the route as appropriate to the input information to be handled and the nature of the processing to be performed.

    To define an Item window, use the Form Designer that is displayed from the Flow Designer. For details about how to define an Item window, see 12.4 Defining the Item window (Form Designer).

  6. Define the processing.

    Define the procedures for applying the contents of Item windows to the asset management database. If all that is needed is to send the Item to the next worker, this definition is not necessary. A processing definition is required when data in the asset management database is to be registered or updated when the Item is sent to the next worker. For example, in the case of an Item that involves requesting approval of an application and registration after final authorization, processing definition is required only for the final authorization.

    To define processing, use the Activity Designer that is displayed from the Flow Designer. For details about how to define processing, see 12.5 Defining each node's task (Activity Designer).

  7. Define the Item options.

    After you finish defining the workers on the route and the details of the processing, the last step is to define options for the Item. The Item options include whether email notification is to be sent to the next worker when the Item is ready to be sent to that worker, and whether a deadline is to be specified for the Item. You define these Item options as required.

    You use the Flow Designer to define Item options. For details about how to define Item options, see 12.6 Setting the Item options (Flow Designer).

  8. Use the Item.

    As you use an Item, some changes to the job might occur, necessitating changes to the existing definitions.

    To change the definition of an exhibited Item, copy and edit the Item, and then re-register it as a new Item.

    You can update an Item version by exhibiting a new Item, and then withdrawing use of the previous version of the Item.

    For details about how to change a registered Item, see 12.7 Changing registered Items.