
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

11.3.1 Setting a form

Customize Job Windows enables you to specify desired changes to the form for a window.

The following points should be noted about the form setup method and how to set a form:

The settings that you specify in the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window will depend on the type of window for which the form is being set. The subsections below explain how to set forms for each type of window.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Procedure for setting a form for a registration or edit window

To set a form in the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window for a registration or edit window (such as the New Device window) (steps 1 through 3 can be executed in any order):

  1. Set Object role.

    Set the user role to which the form is to be applied. For details about setting the role, see 11.3.2 Setting the object role.

  2. Set Button.

    Set the view/hide settings for the buttons. For details about how setting buttons, see 11.3.3 Setting the buttons to be used.

  3. Set Editable items.

    Set the items to be displayed in the window, the editable items, and the order of the items. For details about setting the editable items, see 11.3.4 Setting items to be displayed as editable items.

  4. When you finish setting all the items, click the OK button.

    The settings are applied to the window corresponding to this form, and then the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window closes.

The figure below shows the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window for a registration or edit window.

Figure 11‒8: Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window for a registration or edit window


(2) Procedure for setting a form for a search or summation window

To set a form in the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window for a window (such as the Device List window) used for searching or totaling (steps 1 through 4 can be executed in any order):

  1. Set Object role.

    Set the user role to which the form is to be applied. For details about setting the role, see 11.3.2 Setting the object role.

  2. Set Button.

    Set the view/hide settings for the buttons. For details about setting buttons, see 11.3.3 Setting the buttons to be used.

  3. Set Search condition.

    Set the view/hide settings and the order of the search conditions. For details about setting the search conditions, see 11.3.5 Setting items to be displayed as search conditions.

  4. Set Search result.

    Set the items to be displayed in the search results list, their display order, and the display width for each item.

    Changing the order or the view/hide settings for the items in the totaled results list does not change the key items for totaling.

    For details about setting the search results, see 11.3.6 Setting the items to be displayed in search results.

  5. When you finish setting all the items, click the OK button.

    The settings are applied to the window corresponding to this form, and then the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window closes.

The following figure shows the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window for a search or totals window.

Figure 11‒9: Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window for a search or totals window


(3) Procedure for setting a form for a breakdown window displayed from totaled results

To set a form in the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window for a breakdown window that is displayed from totaled results (such as a window displaying a breakdown of device types by group or location that is displayed from totaled results from the Device Totals window) (steps 1 through 3 can be executed in any order):

  1. Set Object role.

    Set the user role to which the form is to be applied. For details about setting the role, see 11.3.2 Setting the object role.

  2. Set Button.

    Set the view/hide settings for the buttons. For details about setting buttons, see 11.3.3 Setting the buttons to be used.

  3. Set Search result.

    Set the items to be displayed in the search results list, their display order, and the display width for each item.

    Changing the order or the view/hide settings for the items in the totaled results list does not change the key items for totaling.

    For details about setting the search results, see 11.3.6 Setting the items to be displayed in search results.

  4. When you finish setting all the items, click the OK button.

    The settings are applied to the window corresponding to this form, and then the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window closes.

The figure below shows the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window for a breakdown window that is displayed from totaled results.

Figure 11‒10: Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window for a breakdown window that is displayed from totaled results
