
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

7.6 Setting a virtual directory

In Microsoft Internet Information Services, set Asset Console's virtual directory. You can change the path specified during the installation of Asset Console. You can also specify a website other than the Default Web Site that is set in Microsoft Internet Information Services during the installation of Asset Console. You can also create and change an application pool.

To change Asset Console's virtual directory and create and change an application pool:

  1. Click the Start button and select Programs, JP1_IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console, and then Setup.

    The Setup dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Virtual Directory Settings icon.

    The following Virtual Directory Settings dialog box appears.

    Figure 7‒9: Virtual Directory Settings dialog box


  3. In the Virtual Directory Settings dialog box, specify the necessary information.

    The following describes each item.

    • Web site

      Specifies the website at which the asset management server's virtual directory is to be registered. Select a website from the drop-down list. By default, the website displaying Asset Console's virtual directory is specified. If no virtual directory has been registered, Default Web Site is specified. If no website has been registered, a space is specified.

    • Application pool

      Specifies the application pool that is to be associated with the asset management server's virtual directory. Select an application pool from the combo box. To create a new application pool, enter the name of the application pool in the input field. The permitted value is 1 to 255 bytes of characters. Note that /, \, =, :, and , cannot be specified. By default, the application pool associated with Asset Console's virtual directory is displayed.

      If the name of an application pool registered by the Internet Information Service Manager contains =, :, or ,, the application pool is not displayed in the combo box.

  4. Click the OK button.

    The virtual directory is changed or the application pool is created or changed according to the specified information. When the processing is completed, a message indicating completion of virtual directory setting is displayed.

    The application pool created here is the same as when an application pool is created from Microsoft Internet Information Services. Therefore, there is no need to re-create the application pool from Microsoft Internet Information Services.

    For details about the operation that is executed during application pool creation, see 7.8.1(3) Creating application pools.

  5. Click the OK button.

    The Virtual Directory Settings dialog box closes.