
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

6.1.1 Prerequisite programs

This section describes the programs that are required on the server and administrator's computer in order to run Asset Console.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Prerequisite server programs

(2) Prerequisite programs on the administrator's computer

(3) Prerequisite programs for using notification by email

You may want to use the task scheduler function to automatically send information via email about contracts with approaching expiration dates and licenses that exceed the threshold value of the number of retained licenses. In this case, you need an environment in which Microsoft Windows Script Host Version 5.1 or later and Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.5 or later are both installed.

You must also install SMTP, which is a subcomponent of the Internet Information Service (IIS) Windows component.

For details about setting up email notification, see 7.10 Settings for using notification by email.

(4) Prerequisite programs for displaying PDF files

Asset Console must link with EUR (uCosminexus EUR Server Enterprise 09-00 or later) to display and print out the searched asset information as a PDF file form.

(5) Prerequisite programs for linking to Active Directory

Active Directory that can be linked with can operate on the following OSs:

Hitachi recommends that you operate the asset management server and directory server on different machines.