
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

5.2.5 Setting the software name auto-assignment with the definition file

When management information is collected from JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager, a software name is registered and associated with according to the definition in a software identification rule definition file. The software identification rule definition file defines strings for identifying installed software programs and match conditions for these strings. If an installed software name collected matches one of the conditions in the definition file, the corresponding managed software name is assigned to the software program.

If the software identification rule definition file does not exist, the software name is registered according to software auto-assignment settings.


When a name has already been assigned to a software program, the name will not be reassigned even if it is different from the definition in the definition file. Only if the software identification rule definition file exists when a new software program is added, the name is assigned to the program. If you want to reassign a name, first remove the installed software program from the list, and then collect its management information from JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager again.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Software identification rule definition file

The following describes the software identification rule definition file.

(a) File specifications



File name


Storage location


Character code

Depends on the OS running Asset Console as follows:

  • If the OS language is set to Japanese: Shift-JIS

  • If the OS language is set to English: Windows-1252

  • If the OS language is set to Chinese: GBK

Effective number of rows

If the number of rows exceeds the following value, the definition is ignored:

  • Parameter: 1 row per key

  • Software identification rule: 20,000 rows including the match and exclusion conditions

(b) Format


If the target matching string, target exclusion-from-match string, or software name contains a double quotation mark ("), specify it as "".

(c) Definition

Definitions in the software identification rule definition file (parameters)

The parameters define general operations.


Value to be defined


(first column)

Specify P.

Parameter key

Specify the value below for this column. This column defines how an installed software program is handled when its software identification rule is not found in the definition file.


Parameter value

Specify either of the values below. The default value is 0.

  • 0: Managed software names are not registered.

  • 1: Names of managed software programs with the same name as installed software programs are assigned. If managed software names already exist, the names are assigned to existing managed software programs.

Definitions in the software identification rule definition file (match conditions)

The match condition defines conditions for identifying installed software programs.


Value to be defined


(first column)

Specify T.

Match condition

Defines how the target match string matches the installed software name. Specify either of the following:

  • 1: Start-with match

  • 2: Partial match

Target matching string

Defines the name of the installed software program to be matched. Specify any character string with no more than 1,024 characters. The match condition determines which part of the string is matched.

Exclusion-from-match condition

Defines how the target exclusion-from-match string matches the installed software name. Specify either of the following:

  • 1: Start-with match

  • 2: Partial match

If an installed software program matches the exclusion-from-match condition, it is excluded from identification even when it matches the match condition.

In this case, if it matches a different match condition, it is registered using the managed software name defined in that condition.

Target exclusion-from-match string

Defines the name of the installed software program to be excluded from matching. Specify any character string with no more than 1,024 characters. The exclusion-from-match condition determines which part of the string is matched.

Managed software name

Defines the name of the managed software program to be identified. Specify any character string with no more than 1,024 characters.

Definitions in the software identification rule definition file (exclusion conditions)

The exclusion condition defines conditions for excluding software in the software identification rule. If an installed software program matches the condition in this type of definition, it is excluded from the targets whose software names are auto-assigned according to the definitions in the software identification rule definition file. The software program is not identified and registered even if it matches the match condition.


Value to be defined


(first column)

Specify E.

Exclusion condition

Defines how the target string matches the installed software name. Specify either of the following:

  • 1: Start-with match

  • 2: Partial match

Target string

Defines the target installed software name. Specify any character string with no more than 1,024 characters. The exclusion condition determines which part of the string is matched.


If the first column in a row has a value other than P, T, or E, the row is treated as a comment line and thus ignored. A row is also ignored due to a syntax error if:

  • It does not have the correct number of columns that corresponds to the type specified in the first column.

  • Any of the match condition, exclusion-from-match condition, and exclusion condition has an invalid value.

  • Any of the target string, managed software name, parameter key, and parameter value has a value that exceeds their limit.

(d) Example

#software identification rule definition file
T,1,"Adobe Acrobat",2,"Reader","Adobe Acrobat"
T,2,"Document Reader","Document Reader"
E,1,"Microsoft .NET Framework"

(e) Notes

Behavior when multiple definitions are matched:

The following describes the behavior if a target string matches multiple definitions:

  • If multiple rules with the same type are matched, the first matching rule is used.

  • If both the match condition and exclusion condition of the rules are matched, the exclusion condition takes precedence.

  • If none of the match condition and exclusion condition of the rules is matched, the NO_RULE_INSTALLEDSOFTWARES setting is used.

  • If multiple rules with the same parameter key are specified, the first defined rule is used.

Behavior when the function is enabled/disabled:

The following describes the behavior when the software identification rule definition file is modified or when the function is enabled or disabled through the presence or absence of software identification rule definition file:

  • If you add, modify, or delete a rule to, in, or from the software identification rule definition file, the change will take effect when the management information is collected from JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager after the editing.

  • If the software identification rule definition file is removed after the name of a managed software program is registered, the program assigned by the definition file remains unremoved.

  • Even if the definition of the rule for the installed software program already registered is modified, no reassignment to the managed software is performed. If you want auto-assignment, first remove the installed software program from the list, and then collect its management information from JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager again.

Behavior when management information is collected from sources other than JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager:

If management information is migrated to Asset Console through a migration tool or CSV file, the information from the source is used as it is. Even when the management information is collected from JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager later, reassignment according to the software identification rule definition file will not be performed.