
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

1.3.8 Using a flow to apply for requests and approve tasks

Asset management tasks include those that require applying for and getting approval for something, as well as tasks that must be passed through an acceptance and handling process. For example, the installation of a new device requires a process for obtaining approval from a manager. Also, the details of actually arranging for and distributing the device must be dealt with by persons within the organization responsible for the overall management of the system.

With Asset Console, these types of jobs are performed by creating an Item. An Item is a job that travels along a defined route. An Item can also be thought of as the electronic form used when performing the job.

A task, such as the installation of a device or software program, proceeds through a system as it is sent and received by various parties. This process is referred to as a flow. Flows make it easier to achieve ITIL processing.

Asset management tasks that use flows have the following benefits:

Furthermore, Asset Console enables more efficient asset management with features, such as automatically registering information for problem resolutions as requested by an Item when a problem is resolved.

The following figure shows the concept of performing application and approval tasks by using a flow.

Figure 1‒13: Concept of performing application and approval tasks by using a flow
