
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console Configuration and Administration Guide

1.2.1 Resolving issues through the management of IT assets

The number of PCs and workstations owned by corporations increases every year, and the overhead of managing information about IT assets, including hardware and software assets, has become significant.

In many corporations, IT asset information is managed by various departments according to purpose. For example, device information is managed by the system management department, network information is managed by the network management department, and maintenance contract information is managed by the resources department. In addition, individual tools and databases are used for gathering and managing information, and formats vary between different management departments. Having the various departments manage IT asset information individually while maintaining a record of everything in a variety of different formats requires a large amount of overhead and costs.

Furthermore, if the improper use of licenses were to become public knowledge, adverse effects on business would be unavoidable, due to the damage to the corporation's reputation. To prevent this, it is essential that software licenses be properly managed not only to reduce costs but also to protect against copyright violations.

To address these issues concerning corporate IT asset management, there is a need for an asset management system that can handle IT assets efficiently. By using Asset Console to construct your asset management system, you can handle your corporate IT assets efficiently and solve any existing issues concerning asset management.