
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

7.3.4 Offline installation

This subsection explains offline installation operations.

Note that this function is not supported on the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Offline installation procedure

The following figure illustrates the offline installation procedure.

Figure 7‒42: Offline installation procedure


  1. Package the software to be installed.

    Use the Packager to package the software to be installed.

    Note, however, that some items in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box are disabled. For details about these items, see 7.3.4(6) Notes on performing offline installation.

  2. Prepare installation media.

    On the managing server, create a package information file that contains information about the package to be installed. Creating a package information file outputs an installation execution program at the same time.

    For details about how to prepare installation media, see 7.3.4(2) Preparing installation media.

  3. Carry the installation media to an offline machine.

    Store the package information file and installation execution program on a portable medium such as a USB memory stick, and carry it to an offline machine.

  4. Perform installation.

    Execute the installation execution program on the offline machine to install the package specified in the package information file.

    For details about how to perform installation, see 7.3.4(3) Performing installation on an offline machine.

  5. Carry an installation result file to the managing server.

    Retrieve an installation result file that is output during installation, store it on a portable medium such as a USB memory stick, and then carry it to the managing server. If the offline machine and the managing server are connected over a network, you can also send this file as an email attachment.

  6. Check the installation results.

    Open the installation result file in a text editor, and check the results.

    For details about how to check installation results, see 7.3.4(4) Checking the results of installation on an offline machine.

(2) Preparing installation media

Prepare installation media by using the Remote Install Manager on the managing server where the package is managed. Store the following files on the installation media:

Use the following procedure to create a package information file. Creating a package information file also creates an installation execution program at the same time.

  1. Use the Package window to select the package to be installed.

    You can select multiple packages in the same cabinet.

  2. From the File menu, select Offline Machine Management, and then Creation of Installation Media.

    The Creation of Installation Media dialog box appears.

    Figure 7‒43: Creation of Installation Media dialog box


    The List of the Installed Packages table displays the packages that you selected in the Package window.

  3. If necessary, change the package installation order.

    Each package is installed sequentially starting from the top of the List of the Installed Packages table. To change the installation order, select a desired package, and then click the ↑ or ↓ button.

  4. If necessary, change the package installation conditions.

    If you want to change the package installation conditions such as the installation target directory and software conditions, select a desired package, and then click the Change button. The Change Installation Conditions dialog box appears, where you can change the installation conditions.

    This dialog box is the same as the Change Installation Conditions dialog box that you use during remote installation.

    Note, however, that all the functions on the Schedule page in the dialog box are disabled (left blank), and cannot be changed. For details about other settings in the Change Installation Conditions dialog box, see 7.3.2(3) Changing the installation conditions.

  5. Click the Create button.

    The Browse for Folder dialog box appears.

  6. Select the folder that contains the package information file and installation execution program, and then click the OK button.

    A dialog box appears indicating that an installation medium is currently being created, and a package information file and installation execution program are created in the selected folder.

(3) Performing installation on an offline machine

Carry the prepared installation media to the offline machine where you want to install the packages. Install the packages on the offline machine as described below.

Note that several settings on the managed computer are disabled during offline installation. For details, see 7.3.4(6) Notes on performing offline installation.

  1. Make sure that none of the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 functions are being used on the offline machine.

    You cannot perform offline installation while other JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 functions are being used. Wait until these functions finish.

  2. Make sure that the package information file and installation execution program are stored in the same folder, and then execute the installation execution program.

    The Install package dialog box is displayed while the installation is in progress, so that you can check the installation execution status.

    You can also execute the installation execution program by using a command. For details about the installation execution command, see 7.3.4(5) Offline installation execution command (ITDM2LINST).

  3. If you cannot output an installation result file, in the Save Installation Result File dialog box that appears, select the output destination, and then click the OK button.

    Click the Cancel button if you do not want to output an installation result file.

    When the installation finishes, an installation result file (file name: ITDM2linst.txt) is output to the same folder as the installation execution program. If an installation result file already exists in the output destination folder, installation results are appended to the end of the file.

(4) Checking the results of installation on an offline machine

Retrieve an installation result file that is output during installation, and carry it to the managing server. Open the installation result file in a text editor, and check the installation results.

The output format of installation result files is shown in the following figure and explained as below.

Figure 7‒44: Output format of installation result files


Installation results are output as a single line of data for each package. Each item is separated by a tab character. Details of each item are explained as follows:

(5) Offline installation execution command (ITDM2LINST)

This subsection explains the ITDM2LINST command, which is executed on offline machines.


This command installs the package specified in the package information file (ITDM2LINST.BIN) on an offline machine. Installation results are output to an installation result file (ITDM2linst.txt).

ITDM2LINST.exe [/I directory-containing-package-information-file]
            [/O directory-to-which-installation-result-file-is-output]
  • /I

    Specify the full path to the directory that contains the package information file (ITDM2LINST.BIN).

    If you omit this option, the system loads the package information file in the same directory as the installation execution program (ITDM2LINST.EXE).

  • /O

    Specify the full path to the directory to which an installation result file (ITDM2linst.txt) is to be output. If an installation result file already exists in the output destination folder, installation results are appended to the end of the file.

    If you omit this option, the system outputs an installation result file to the same directory as the installation execution program (ITDM2LINST.EXE).

  • /S

    Specify this option if you do not display the following dialog boxes during offline installation:

    - Install package dialog box

    - Save Installation Result File dialog box

    - Dialog boxes displaying installation results

    - Error dialog boxes specific to offline installation

Execution example

When the package information file is stored in C:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1ITDMM\MGR\BIN\DMPRM and an installation result file is output to A:\, specify the command as follows:

ITDM2LINST.exe /I "C:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1ITDMM\MGR\BIN\DMPRM" /O "A:\"

(6) Notes on performing offline installation

When performing offline installation on a managed computer, note the following: