
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

7.3.2 Setting up the Package page

When creating a remote installation job, use the Package page of the Create Job dialog box to specify a package to be remotely installed.

Figure 7‒37: Package page


On the Package page, you can perform the following operations:

If you specify multiple packages to be remotely installed, see 1.3.7 Job execution sequence.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Adding packages

Clicking the Add button on the Package page displays the Add Package dialog box. You can resize the Add Package dialog box to make it easy to see. If you resize the dialog box, it retains that size the next time it is opened.

Figure 7‒38: Add Package dialog box


In this dialog box, specify a package to be added. Select a package to be added from the Cabinet or Package frame, and move it to the Selected package frame by clicking the -> or ->> button, and then click the OK button. The selected package is added to the Package page.

(2) Deleting packages

Select a package to be deleted on the Package page, and then click the Delete button.

(3) Changing the installation conditions

Clicking the Change button on the Package page displays the Change Installation Conditions dialog box, where you can view or change the installation conditions for the package specified during packaging.

Figure 7‒39: Change Installation Conditions dialog box


The pages displayed in the Change Installation Conditions dialog box are the same as those in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box of the Packager. For details about the settings, see 7.2 Specifying package details. Note, however, that depending on the package type (for UNIX only, for Windows only, or package shared by UNIX and Windows), some items can only be viewed and cannot be edited.

The items that only appear in the Change Installation Conditions dialog box are as follows:

Settings in the Replace existing package check box

If you select this check box, the package is overwrite-installed on the managed computer if software program with the same name as that package already exists on the computer.

However, if you select the Replace existing package check box, the package is sent, regardless of whether the same package already exists on the destination computer. To avoid unnecessary increase in network traffic, select this check box only in the following cases:

  • When you need to overwrite any existing packages

  • When you want to distribute a package again because you accidentally deleted the same package by uninstallation or some other processing

    In this case, you cannot install the package unless you select this check box.

Note also that if you select the Replace existing package check box, any software programs of the same version can be overwrite-installed even if their contents are different. This means that JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 can no longer manage versions based on installed package information.

(4) Batch specifying schedule information

Clicking the Options button on the Package page displays the Batch Setting for Installation Conditions dialog box, where you can specify schedule-related information in the package installation conditions for all packages at one time.

Figure 7‒40: Batch Setting for Installation Conditions dialog box


This dialog box also appears when you click the Schedule tab in the Change Installation Conditions dialog box.