
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

6.4.3 Example of policy creation

The following is an example of an automatic maintenance policy file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
          <AssetFieldDefinitionValue assetItem="true">
          <AssetFieldDefinitionValue assetItem="true">
          <AssetFieldDefinitionValue assetItem="true">
          <AssetFieldDefinitionValue assetItem="true">
          <AssetFieldDefinitionValue assetItem="false">
              <Model filterType="exactMatch">Modelname123</Model>
              <Manufacturer filterType="include">makername123</Manufacturer>
            <SoftwareInfo installStatus="true">
              <SoftwareName filterType="startWith">Adobe Flash Player</SoftwareName>
              <Version filterType="less">
              <FieldValue filterType="startWith">
              <FieldValue filterType="between">
            <SoftwareInfo installStatus="false">
              <SoftwareName filterType="startWith">ABC Software</SoftwareName>
              <FieldValue filterType="exactMatch">
              <FieldValue filterType="between">

This example defines automatic maintenance policies with the following characteristics:

Host groups
  • Computers with IP addresses in the ranges from to and to are registered in the host group IP-address-group at the route IP-address.

  • Newly created hosts are registered in the host group New-PCs.

  • Computers whose OS type is Windows 7 are registered in the Windows7 host group under the OS-type route, separated into 32-bit and 64-bit hosts. These hosts are further grouped by OS sub-version.

  • Computers whose OS type is Windows 8.1 are registered in the Windows 8.1 host group under the OS-type route, separated into 32-bit and 64-bit hosts. These hosts are further grouped by OS sub-version.

  • Computers whose OS type is Windows Server 2012 R2 are registered in the WindowsServer2012R2 host group under the OS-type\Server route, separated into 32-bit and 64-bit hosts. These hosts are further grouped by OS sub-version.

  • Computers positioned in a hierarchy based on department information are registered in a maximum of four levels under the Department route.

  • Computers positioned in a hierarchy based on installation location are registered in a maximum of five levels under the Location route.

  • Computers positioned in a hierarchy based on the Server-Client and PC-type additional management items of hardware asset information are registered under the Asset-management-item route.

ID groups
  • Newly added hosts are registered in the ID group ID_NewHosts.

  • Computers for which the value of the PC type additional management item is Notebook and the value of Server-Client is ClientPC or Other are registered in the ID group ID_notebookPCs.

  • Computers whose installation location is /National/EastCoast/NewYork/ are registered in the ID group ID_NewYork_Control.

  • Computers that meet all of the following conditions are registered in the ID group ID1150A. (The evaluations are case insensitive.)

    - The model name is equal to Modelname123.

    - The manufacturer name contains makername123.

    - A software program whose name starts with Adobe Flash Player and whose version is earlier than is installed.

    - The value of the PersonalNumber additional management item starts with USR2010.

    - The value of the AAARequestDate additional management item is between 20171001 and 20171130.

  • Computers that meet all of the following conditions are registered in the ID group ID1150B. (The evaluations are case insensitive.)

    - The IP address is between and

    - A software program whose name starts with ABC Software is not installed.

    - The value of the AAACurrentVersion additional management item is 1.8.

    - The value of the SeatCode additional management item is between DP-A-501 and DP-B-299.

You can create a new automatic maintenance policy by copying this policy and changing attributes such as the IP address ranges and host group names. You can efficiently create multiple automatic maintenance policies by copying and editing an existing policy in this way.