
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

6.4.2 Editing an automatic maintenance policy file

An automatic maintenance policy file collectively defines the automatic maintenance policies for several ID groups and several host groups.

If you want to use any of the single-byte symbols listed in the table below in the file, you need to replace them with a specific character string.

Table 6‒2: Single-byte symbols requiring replacement

Single-byte symbols requiring replacement

String that replaces symbol











The following figure shows the structure of an automatic maintenance policy file:

Figure 6‒33: Structure of automatic maintenance policy file


The tag on the first line indicates that the file is an XML file. The file is read according to the character encoding specified for the encoding parameter in this tag. If you omit this tag, the system assumes the file is encoded in UTF-8.

You must include the tags that indicate the file is an automatic maintenance policy file.

The automatic maintenance policy file shown in Figure 6-33 includes the List of automatic maintenance policy definitions (ID groups) followed by the List of automatic maintenance policy definitions (for host groups). However, automatic maintenance policy files can be imported successfully regardless of the order of the two lists. When automatic maintenance policy definitions are exported to a file, firstly the list of host group policy definitions is written to the file.

The List of automatic maintenance policy definitions (ID groups) and the List of automatic maintenance policy definitions (host groups) are each described below.

Organization of this subsection

(1) List of automatic maintenance policy definitions (ID groups)


Each definition has the format shown below. The line indentation indicates the relationship between parent and child tags. You must define a child tag within the appropriate parent.

The tags must be written in the following order:

      <AssetFieldDefinitionValue assetItem="asset-management-item">
          [<Model filterType="comparison condition">model</Model>]
          [<Manufacturer filterType="comparison condition">manufacturer</Manufacturer>]
        [<SoftwareInfo installStatus="installation-status">
          <SoftwareName filterType="comparison condition">software-name</SoftwareName>
          [<Version filterType="comparison condition">
          <FieldValue filterType="comparison condition">


The following table describes each tag, the values you can specify, and the allowed number of occurrences of the tag. When the allowed number of occurrences is zero, you can omit the tag unless there is a child element.



Specifiable values

Allowed number of occurrences of the tag


Indicates that the following information is a list of definitions for automatic ID group maintenance policies.


0 times or once


Indicates that the following information is a definition of an automatic ID group maintenance policy.


More than once


Specifies the name of the ID group.

Any character string of up to 32 bytes (including single-byte and/or double-byte characters) excluding the following characters:

Exclamation marks (!), double-quotation marks ("), percent signs (%), quotation marks ('), asterisks (*), periods (.), forward slashes (/), colons (:), left angle brackets (<), right angle brackets (>), question marks (?), at marks (@), backslashes (\), vertical bars (|), single-byte spaces, and control characters



Specifies the policy type.

For ID group registration of new hosts:


For ID group registration based on asset management items:


For ID group registration of device information:




Indicates that the following information defines ID group registration based on asset management items. Use this tag when assetFieldDefinition is specified in the <IDPolicyKind> tag.


0 times or once

<AssetFieldDefinitionValue assetItem="asset-management-item">

Indicates that the following information defines a condition on an asset management item. As the value of the assetItem parameter, specify one of the following values depending on the type of asset management item:

For additional management items in hardware asset information whose data type is enumeration:


For departments and installation locations:


You can specify a maximum of 10 sets of <AssetFieldDefinitionValue> tags per policy.


More than once


Specifies the asset management item.#

  • Department

  • Installation location

  • Enumeration type additional management items in hardware asset information



Specifies the value of the asset management item.#

The selection item of the asset management item specified in <AssetFieldDefinitionName>.



Indicates that the following information defines ID group registration based on device information. Use this tag when inventoryInfo is specified in the <IDPolicyKind> tag.


0 times or once


Specifies a device information policy name.

Any character string with a length of at least one character (up to 64 bytes)



Indicates that the following information is a list of device information conditions.

A policy has up to 10 device information conditions (that is, a <CondInventoryInfoList> node has up to 10 child nodes).




Indicates that the following information defines a condition on computer details.


0 times or once

<Model filterType="comparison condition">

Specifies a model.

filterType specifies a comparison condition for the specified model.

Omitting this tag means that there is no model condition.

A model can be set to:

Any character string with a length of at least one character (up to 512 bytes)

filterType can be set to:
  • exactMatch: Equal to the specified value

  • startWith: Starts with the specified value

  • include: Includes the specified value

0 times or once

<Manufacturer filterType="comparison condition">

Specifies a manufacturer.

filterType specifies a comparison condition for the specified manufacturer.

Omitting this tag means that there is no manufacturer condition.

A manufacturer can be set to:

Any character string with a length of at least one character (up to 512 bytes)

filterType can be set to:
  • exactMatch: Equal to the specified value

  • startWith: Starts with the specified value

  • include: Includes the specified value

0 times or once


Indicates that the following information defines a condition on network details.


0 times or once


Specifies the start address of an IP address range.

An IP address in IPv4 format (



Specifies the end address of an IP address range.

An IP address in IPv4 format (


<SoftwareInfo installStatus="installation-status">

Indicates that the following information defines a condition on software details.

installStatus specifies whether the software program is installed.

installStatus can be set to:
  • true: Installed

  • false: Not installed

Omitting installStatus has the same effect as setting it to false.

0 times or once

<SoftwareName filterType="comparison condition">

Specifies a software name.

filterType specifies a comparison condition for the specified software name.

A software name can be set to:

Any character string with a length of at least one character (up to 1,024 bytes)

filterType can be set to:
  • exactMatch: Equal to the specified value

  • startWith: Starts with the specified value

  • include: Includes the specified value


<Version filterType="comparison condition">

Indicates that the following information defines a condition on the version.

filterType specifies a comparison condition for the specified version.

Omitting this tag means that there is no version condition.

filterType can be set to:
  • equal: Equal to the specified value

  • notEqual: Not equal to the specified value

  • greater: Greater than the specified value

  • greaterEqual: Equal to or greater than the specified value

  • less: Less than the specified value

  • lessEqual: Equal to or less than the specified value

  • between: Between VersionValue1 and VersionValue2

0 times or once


Specifies a specific version, or the start value of a range of versions.

Any character string with a length of at least one character (up to 256 bytes)



Specifies the end value of a range of versions.

This tag can be specified when a range is specified (that is, the filterType attribute of the Version tag is set to between).

Any character string with a length of at least one character (up to 256 bytes)

0 times or once


Indicates that the following information defines a condition on an asset management item.

You can specify different conditions for different asset management items (that is, you cannot specify multiple conditions for the same asset management item).


More than 0 times or once


Specifies the name of an asset management item.#

You can specify a user-defined text item that is an additional management item of hardware asset information.



<FieldValue filterType="comparison condition">

Indicates that the following information defines a condition on the value of an asset management item.

filterType specifies a comparison condition for the asset management item value.

filterType can be set to:
  • exactMatch: Equal to the specified value

  • notMatch: Not equal to the specified value

  • startWith: Starts with the specified value

  • include: Includes the specified value

  • notInclude: Does not include the specified value

  • between: Between FieldValue1 and FieldValue2



Specifies a specific value of the asset management item, or the start value of a range of the asset management item values.

Any character string with a length of at least one character (up to 512 bytes)



Specifies the end value of a range of the asset management item values.

This can be specified when a range is specified (that is, the filterType attribute of the FieldValue tag is set to between).

Any character string with a length of at least one character (up to 512 bytes)

0 times or once


When specifying an asset management item that is defined in more than one language, specify the item names and values in the default language.

(2) List of automatic maintenance policy definitions (host groups)


Each definition has the format shown below. The line indentation indicates the relationship between parent and child tags. You must define a child tag within the appropriate parent.

The tags must be written in the following order:



The following table describes each tag, the values you can specify, and the allowed number of occurrences of the tag. When the allowed number of occurrences is zero, you can omit the tag unless there is a child element.



Specifiable values

Allowed number of occurrences of the tag


Indicates that the following information is a list of definitions for automatic maintenance of destination group policies.


0 times or once


Indicates that the following information is a definition of an automatic maintenance of destination group policy.


More than once


Specifies the policy type.

To group by IP address:


To group by OS type:


To group new hosts:


To group based on additional management items of hardware asset information:


To group based on department information:


To group based on installation location information:




Indicates that the following information is the definition of an IP address group. Use this tag when ipAddress is specified in the <DestGroupPolicyKind> tag.


0 times or once


Specifies the start address of the IP address range.

An IP address in IPv4 format.



Specifies the end address of the IP address range.

An IP address in IPv4 format.



Indicates that the following information defines conditions for grouping by OS type. Use this tag when osType is specified in the <DestGroupPolicyKind> tag.


0 times or once


Specifies the OS type.

  • WindowsXP

  • WindowsServer2003

  • HP_UX

  • Solaris

  • AIX

  • WindowsVista

  • WindowsServer2008

  • Windows7

  • WindowsServer2008R2

  • Windows8

  • WindowsServer2012

  • Windows8_1

  • WindowsServer2012R2

  • Windows10

  • WindowsServer2016

  • WindowsServer2019

  • WindowsServer2022

  • Windows11

  • RedHatEnterpriseLinux

  • CentOS



Indicates that the following information defines conditions for grouping based on additional management items of hardware asset information. Use this tag when assetCostumField is specified in the <DestGroupPolicyKind> tag.


0 times or once


Specifies an additional management item of hardware asset information. You can specify a maximum of 6 sets of <AssetCostumFieldName> tags per policy.#

An additional management item in hardware asset information whose data type is enumeration or text

More than once


Indicates that the following information defines conditions for grouping based on department information. Use this tag when departmentGroup is specified in the <DestGroupPolicyKind> tag.#


0 times or once


Indicates that the following information defines conditions for grouping based on installation location. Use this tag when locationGroup is specified in the <DestGroupPolicyKind> tag.


0 times or once


Specifies the tiers to be grouped by department or installation location.

1 to 6



Specifies the route to the host group that is to be subject to automatic maintenance. If you omit this tag, the policy is assigned to all destinations. You can specify this tag when the following values are specified in the <DestGroupPolicyKind> tag:

  • ipAddress

  • osType

  • assetCostumField

  • departmentGroup

  • locationGroup

  • newHost

Any character string of up to 32 bytes (including single-byte and/or double-byte characters) excluding the following characters:

Exclamation marks (!), double-quotation marks ("), percent signs (%), quotation marks ('), asterisks (*), periods (.), forward slashes (/), colons (:), left angle brackets (<), right angle brackets (>), question marks (?), at marks (@), backslashes (\), vertical bars (|), single-byte spaces, and control characters

0 times or once


Specifies the host group that is to be subject to automatic maintenance. You can specify this tag when the following values are specified in the <DestGroupPolicyKind> tag:

  • ipAddress

  • osType

  • newHost

Any character string of up to 32 bytes (including single-byte and/or double-byte characters) excluding the following characters:

Exclamation marks (!), double-quotation marks ("), percent signs (%), quotation marks ('), asterisks (*), periods (.), forward slashes (/), colons (:), left angle brackets (<), right angle brackets (>), question marks (?), at marks (@), backslashes (\), vertical bars (|), single-byte spaces, and control characters

0 times or once


Specifies the type of host to subject to automatic maintenance. If you omit this tag, the policy applies to all hosts.

To apply the policy to all hosts (relay systems and agents):


To apply the policy to agents only:


0 times or once


Indicates that the following information defines optional detailed conditions for grouping hosts by OS type. Use this tag when osType is specified in the <DestGroupPolicyKind> tag.


0 times or once


Specifies whether to separate 32-bit and 64-bit hosts into different groups. If you omit this tag, 32 and 64-bit hosts are placed in the same group.

To separate hosts:


To not separate hosts:


0 times or once


Specifies whether to further group hosts based on their OS sub-version. If you omit this tag, hosts are not grouped by sub-version.

To group by sub-version:


To not group by sub-version:


0 times or once


When specifying an asset management item that is defined in more than one language, specify the item names and values in the default language.