
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

6.2.1 Assigning policies to host groups

The following describes how to assign a policy to a host group.

If you need to specify host group names when you assign a policy, refer to 5.2.2 Assigning group names.

  1. In the Destination window, from the Options menu, select Auto Host Group/ID Maintenance.

    The Policy Setup dialog box appears.

    You can also display this dialog box by clicking Create Host Group in the File menu to display the Create Host Group dialog box, then clicking Create the policy for a host group.

    Figure 6‒9: Policy Setup dialog box


    The Policy Setup dialog box displays conditions using a maximum of 260 single-byte characters (or 130 double-byte characters). Although subsequent characters are not displayed on screen, they remain a valid part of the condition.

    To set a new policy, click Add.

    To change an existing policy, select the policy you want to change and then click Change. You can also change a policy by double-clicking the policy type.

    To delete an existing policy, select the policy you want to delete and then click Delete. Deleting a policy does not delete the host group created by that policy, and hosts registered by the policy are not deleted from the host group.

  2. Click Add.

    The Selection of Maintenance Target dialog box appears.

    Figure 6‒10: Selection of Maintenance Target dialog box


  3. Select the Automatic maintenance of destination group option, and then click Next.

    The Select Policy Type dialog box appears.

    Figure 6‒11: Select Policy Type dialog box


  4. Select the desired policy type and then click Next.

  5. Set the policy in the displayed dialog box.

    The dialog box that appears depends on the option you selected. For details about the settings in each dialog box, refer to subsections (1) to (6) indicated in the table below.

    Selected option

    Refer to

    Group by IP address

    6.2.1(1) Settings in Group by IP Address dialog box

    Grouping by using new hosts

    6.2.1(2) Settings in Grouping New Hosts dialog box

    Group by OS type

    6.2.1(3) Settings in Group by OS Type dialog box

    Group by additional management items of hardware asset information

    6.2.1(4) Settings in Group by Additional Management Item of Hardware Asset Information dialog box

    Group by department information

    6.2.1(5) Settings in Group by Department Information dialog box

    Group by installation location information

    6.2.1(6) Settings in Group by Installation Location Information dialog box

  6. After setting the policy, click Next.

    The Confirm Policies dialog box appears.

    Figure 6‒12: Confirm Policies dialog box


    The Confirm Policies dialog box displays conditions using a maximum of 260 single-byte characters (or 130 double-byte characters). Although subsequent characters are not displayed on screen, they remain a valid part of the condition.

    Add the following types of hosts to the host group

    Select the type of hosts you want the policy to add. If you select Agents only, agents on the same computer as a relay system or management relay server are not added to the host group. Select this option when you do not need to distribute jobs to relay systems or management relay servers.

  7. Click Finish.

    The policy is created, and the Apply Policies to All Hosts dialog box appears. Note that this dialog box does not appear for policies that apply to new hosts. Instead, you are returned to the Policy Setup dialog box.

    Figure 6‒13: Apply Policies to All Hosts dialog box


    In the Apply Policies to All Hosts dialog box, select whether to immediately apply the policies you added or changed.

    If you click Apply Now, the policies are immediately applied to host groups. If you click Apply Later, you are returned to the Policy Setup dialog box.

    Note that assigning multiple policies to the same host group does not result in an error.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings in Group by IP Address dialog box

You can use this dialog box to group hosts by IP address range. You can add hosts by wildcard or by specifying a range.

Wildcard page
Figure 6‒14: Wildcard page


Specify the host group name and the IP addresses. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard when specifying the IP address range.

For example, you can add the IP addresses in the range from to to a group by specifying 172.20.20.* in the IP address field.

When you click Add, the condition is added to the list. You can set multiple conditions in the Group by IP Address dialog box. To delete an existing condition, select the condition and click Delete.

Range page
Figure 6‒15: Range page


On the Range page, you can specify a range of IP addresses. When you add a policy, IP address\IP address group is displayed in Host group name as the default path for the higher system. Although you can enter a host group name manually or select from existing host groups, IP address group will be used as the host group name if you leave it unchanged.

Browse and Browse Route buttons

You can display the Host Groups dialog box from either of these pages by clicking the Browse or Browse Route button.

Figure 6‒16: Host Groups dialog box


This dialog box displays a list of host groups in tree form. You can use this dialog box to specify a host group or the route to a host group.

By clicking Browse, you can specify the host group to which the policy applies.

By clicking Browse Route, you can specify the route of the registered policy.

The number of characters you can enter when specifying the host group or route depends on the type of policy. See the description in each dialog box.

When grouping hosts by IP address, you can enter a maximum of 32 bytes per hierarchical level in host group names and routes. The maximum length of the character string from the highest level to the host group name including the path delimiting character (single-byte backslash) must not exceed 164 bytes.

(2) Settings in Grouping New Hosts dialog box

You can use this dialog box to group hosts that are newly registered in the system configuration information. You can only set one host group using this policy.

Figure 6‒17: Group New Hosts dialog box


When adding this policy, New_hosts is displayed by default in the Host group name field. You can enter a host group name manually, or select from a list of existing host groups by clicking the Browse button.

You can enter a maximum of 32 bytes per hierarchical level in host group names. The maximum length of the character string from the highest level of the hierarchy to the end of the host group name including the path delimiting character (single-byte backslash) must not exceed 189 bytes.

If you click Browse, the Host Groups dialog box described in subsection (1) appears in which you can specify a host group.

(3) Settings in Group by OS Type dialog box

You can use this dialog box to group computers according to the value set for OS type in the system configuration.

Figure 6‒18: Group by OS type dialog box


Each OS type whose check box you select is subject to grouping. You can set any host group name you wish for a given OS type. You can also manage computers with different OS types in one host group by setting the same host group name for those OS types.

You can enter a maximum of 32 bytes per hierarchical level in a route. The maximum length of the character string from the highest level of the hierarchy to the end of the host group name including the path delimiting character (single-byte backslash) must not exceed 164 bytes.

When you add a policy, OS_type\ is displayed as the default path for the higher system.

If you click Browse Route, the Host Groups dialog box described in subsection (1) appears in which you can specify a route.

You can enter a maximum of 32 bytes per hierarchical level in routes. The maximum length of the character string from the highest level of the hierarchy to the end of the host group name including the path delimiting character (single-byte backslash) must not exceed 164 bytes.

Clicking Select All selects the check boxes for all OS types. Clicking Deselect All clears all the check boxes.

If you select the Group by separating 32-bit versions and 64-bit versions check box, computers are registered in sub-groups (named x84 for 32-bit operating systems and x64 for 64-bit operating systems) under the host groups.

If you select the Perform grouping to the OS sub-version level check box, you can group computers under the OS type host groups according to the OS sub-version, such as the Service Pack. If the value of OS sub-version is longer than 32 single-byte characters (or 16 double-byte characters), the corresponding host group will not be created.

The table below shows the group in which computers are registered when the system cannot acquire relevant information from the computer during automatic maintenance.


If CPU information cannot be acquired

If OS sub-version information cannot be acquired

The Group by separating 32-bit versions and 64-bit versions check box and Perform grouping to the OS sub-version level check box are both selected

Registered in a group corresponding to the OS sub-version created under the host group for the OS type

Registered in the host group for the CPU type

Only the Group by separating 32-bit versions and 64-bit versions check box is selected

Registered in the host group for the OS type


Only the Perform grouping to the OS sub-version level check box is selected


Registered in the host group for the OS type


--: Registered in the specified host group

(4) Settings in Group by Additional Management Item of Hardware Asset Information dialog box

You can use this dialog box to create policies that group computers based on additional management items in hardware asset information whose data type is enumeration or text. You can create a maximum of 16 such policies.

Figure 6‒19: Group by Additional Management Item of Hardware Asset Information dialog box


In policies that relate to additional management items in hardware asset information, you can specify host groups on a maximum of six hierarchical levels.

By clicking the Set on nth layer buttons, you can add the selected additional management item to the hierarchical level indicated by the label on the button. When you add an item, the button label changes to Release nth Layer. You can remove a level by clicking the corresponding Release nth Layer button. Any subordinate items are also deleted.

You cannot specify the same additional management item of hardware asset information on different hierarchical levels in a given policy. Nor can you specify the same additional management item in more than one policy.

Note that a host group will not be created if the hardware asset information contains no values for the additional management items defined in the policy.

If you click Browse Route, the Host Groups dialog box described in subsection (1) appears in which you can specify a route. You can enter a maximum of 32 bytes per hierarchical level in a route. The maximum length of the character string from the highest level of the hierarchy to the end of the host group name including the path delimiting character (single-byte backslash) must not exceed 189 bytes.

(5) Settings in Group by Department Information dialog box

You can use this dialog box to group computers based on the department with which they are associated. You can create only one department policy.

Figure 6‒20: Group by Department Information dialog box


A policy that groups hosts by department can contain a maximum of six hierarchical levels. You can specify the number of levels in Target maintenance range. You can specify levels in which no departments are registered, allowing you to apply policies to departments you add later.

If you click Browse Route, the Host Groups dialog box described in subsection (1) appears in which you can specify a route. You can enter a maximum of 32 bytes per hierarchical level in a route. The maximum length of the character string from the highest level of the hierarchy to the end of the host group name including the path delimiting character (single-byte backslash) must not exceed 189 bytes.

Computers for which Unknown appears on the Department List page of the Inventory module of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 are not added to the host group. If you want these computers to be added to the host group, use one of the following methods:

You can use message notification to provide this instruction to the user. For details, see the description of sending messages to users in the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide.

(6) Settings in Group by Installation Location Information dialog box

You can use this dialog box to group computers based on their location. You can create only one location policy.

Figure 6‒21: Settings in Group by Installation Location Information dialog box


A policy that groups hosts by location can contain a maximum of six hierarchical levels. You can specify the number of levels in Target maintenance range. You can specify levels in which no installation locations are registered, allowing you to apply policies to locations you add later.

If you click Browse Route, the Host Groups dialog box described in subsection (1) appears in which you can specify a route. You can enter a maximum of 32 bytes per hierarchical level in a route. The maximum length of the character string from the highest level of the hierarchy to the end of the host group name including the path delimiting character (single-byte backslash) must not exceed 189 bytes.

You cannot add computers for which Unknown appears in the Location List of the Inventory module of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. If you want these computers to be added to the host group, use one of the following methods:

You can use message notification to provide this instruction to the user. For details, see the description of sending messages to users in the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide.