
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Configuration Guide

3.13 Procedure for changing login restrictions

You can change how many times a user can enter the wrong password in succession before the account is locked, and the valid period for user passwords.


If the setting to use JP1 authentication is specified in the User Management Settings window during setup, you will become unable to set expiration periods for locks and passwords for the user accounts in JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. In such a case, the value specified for Login information settings in the Other Settings window is not applied.

To set the number of login attempts before an account is locked and the valid period for passwords:

  1. Log on to the OS as a user with administrator permissions.

  2. From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs, JP1_IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager, Tools, and then Setup.

  3. In the Setup window, click the Next button.

  4. In the Select a Setup view, select Settings Modification, and then click the Next button.

  5. Continue to click the Next button until the Other Settings view appears.

    An example of the Other Settings view is shown below.


  6. Set the following items as needed, and then click the Next button.

    • Number of consecutive login failures before the account is locked

      Specify how many times a user can enter the wrong password in succession before the account is locked.

    • Number of days until the password expires

      Specify the number of days a user password is valid.

  7. In the Confirm Setup Settings view, confirm that the specified settings are correct, and then click the Next button.

    A dialog to confirm that Remote Install Manager and JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Asset Console have been stopped is displayed. After confirming, click the OK button. In the cluster system, make the cluster resources associated with the services displayed in the dialog offline, and then click the OK button.

  8. In the Setup for Distribution by Using Remote Install Manager view, click the OK button.

    The setup process begins, and a dialog box appears indicating that setup is in progress. When setup has finished, the Setup Complete view appears.

  9. In the Setup Complete view, click the OK button.

The changes to login restrictions take effect.