
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Configuration Guide

1.6.7 Installing an agent on the computer by using a logon script

Store the installation set on a file server. Then, create a batch file for the logon script that runs the installation set, and store it on the Active Directory server. When users log on to Windows, an agent is automatically installed on their computers. If an agent is already installed on a computer, the agent is not reinstalled.

The following example shows how to create a batch file for the logon script:


if not exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Hitachi\jp1itdma\bin\jdnglogon.exe" (

start /w \\server-name\shared-folder-name\ITDM2Agt.exe


) else (

if not exist "%ProgramFiles%\Hitachi\jp1itdma\bin\jdnglogon.exe" (

start /w \\server-name\shared-folder-name\ITDM2Agt.exe)



By using the logon script, you can have agents automatically installed on computers without having users perform the installation task. This eliminates the risk of errors caused by operational mistakes made by users.


This approach requires a file server and the environment that allows users to access the file server. In addition, the users' computers must be controlled by a domain controller, and there must be an environment that allows the logon script to run.

The following figure shows an overview of how an agent is automatically installed by the logon script:


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