
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

6.8.1 Common environment variable settings

This section explains about Common environment variable settings in the Connection definitions window.

Figure 6‒14: Common environment variable settings in the Connection definitions window


The following shows the display items for Common environment variable setting:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Common environment variables for command execution

Environment variables at time of command execution

Enter an environment variable to be used for command line execution with connection definitions and execution definitions commonly in the environment-variable-name=environment-variable-value format. When specifying multiple variables, enter a line break for each one.

The following environment variable is prioritized over that set for this item: the environment variable set for Environment variables at time of command execution in the command line of each definition.


Display item

Input format

Input restriction

Required/Not required

Assumed value


Environment variables at time of command execution

Text box

Character string of 20,479 bytes or less.

No line break is counted as part of the character string above.

A tab character can also be specified.

Up to 27,304 characters can be entered.

You can specify a variable in this input item.

Not required
