
JP1 Version 13 for UNIX Systems JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

ftsregcv - displays transmission information

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ftsregcv [-c transmission-card-name] [-m format-file-name | -v] [-x | -e] [-f transmission-card-information-file-name]


The ftsregcv command displays transmission information that has been registered.


-c transmission-card-name

Specifies the name of the transmission card that is to be displayed.

The command displays the transmission card information that matches the specified transmission card name.

-m format-file-name ((1 to 256-byte character string))

Displays transmission information in the format that was set up in the specified format file.

For details about the format file, see E. Format Files Used for Output of Definition Information.

If a relative path is specified for the format file name, the command assumes the directory relative to the command execution directory.

This argument and -v are mutually exclusive.

Example of display when the default format file is specified:


If -m and -v are both omitted, the command displays information in the format that was set up in the default format file.

For details about the default format file, see E. Format Files Used for Output of Definition Information.


Displays transmission information in list format.

This argument and -m are mutually exclusive.

Example of display:


In the list format, the meanings of the information in the DTOM column are as follows:

  • D: Send/receive type

    • S: Send

    • R: Receive

  • T: Transmission type

    • A: ASCII

    • I: Binary

  • O: Output type

    • O: Overwrite

    • A: Append

  • M: Compression mode

    • S: Uncompressed

    • C: Compressed

If the list format is used, the length of each item is limited as shown in the table below.

Table 6‒6: Number of characters displayed in the list format columns

Item name

Maximum number of characters displayed

Card name

14 characters

Host name

14 characters

User name

14 characters

Local file name

19 characters

Remote file name

19 characters


20 characters

If -m and -v are both omitted, the command displays information in the format that was set up in the default format file.

For details about the default format file, see E. Format Files Used for Output of Definition Information.


Changes some of the characters to be output to the file to the value specified in the transmission information option.

For details about the transmission information option, see ftsregc - registers, changes, deletes, and displays transmission information in 6. Commands.


Changes some of the values to be output to the file to the value in the keyword output content to be transferred to the auto-start program.

For details about the keyword output content to be transferred to the auto-start program, see Parameter keywords in 3.3.1 Registering auto-start programs.

-f transmission-card-information-file-name ((1 to 256-byte character string))

Changes the location from which to load the transmission card information to the specified transmission card information file.

If you specify a relative path for the transmission card information file name, the command assumes the directory relative to the command execution directory.

Return values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination during display


Abnormal termination due to a syntax error in the command parameter