
JP1 Version 13 for UNIX Systems JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

ftsregc - registers, changes, deletes, and displays transmission information

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ftsregc -N [transmission-card-name] [transmission-information-option transmission-option-parameter]
ftsregc -C [transmission-card-name transmission-information-option transmission-option-parameter]
ftsregc -D transmission-card-name
ftsregc -L transmission-card-name


The ftsregc command registers, changes, deletes, or displays transmission information.


-N [transmission-card-name] [transmission-information-option transmission-option-parameter]

There are two ways to register transmission information. One is by registering new transmission information that has been set on a transmission card. The other is by using an existing transmission card as a model and editing its contents in order to register it as a separate transmission card.

  • Registering new transmission information onto a transmission card

    ftsregc -N [transmission-information-option transmission-option-parameter]

    This method creates new transmission information based on the information specified with the transmission information options. Among the available transmission information options, you must always specify -TC, -TH, -TU, -TT, -TY, -TL, and -TR. You must use the -TC transmission information option to specify a name for the transmission card.

  • Registering transmission information using an existing transmission card

    ftsregc -N [transmission-card-name] [transmission-information-option transmission-option-parameter]

    This method specifies the name of a transmission card to use as a model and then specifies transmission information options to change. You must specify in -TC a name for the new transmission card that you are registering.

To register transmission information, you need superuser permissions.

The table below lists and describes the transmission information options. For details about the transmission option parameters, see 3.4.1 Registering transmission information onto a transmission card.

Table 6‒5: Transmission information options

Option name

Transmission option parameter



Transmission card name

((1 to 20 bytes))


Connection-target host name

((1 to 256 bytes))


Connection-target port number

((1 to 65,535))


Login user name

((1 to 80 bytes))


Login password

((0 to 80 bytes))


Send/receive type:

  • SEND: Sends files (overwrite).

  • RECV: Receives files.

  • APPE: Sends files (append).



Transmission mode:

  • ASCII: Transmits files in the ASCII mode.

  • BINARY: Transmits files in the binary mode.



Compression mode:

  • STREAM: Transmits files without compressing them.

  • COMPRESS: Compresses files during transmission.



Size check:

  • CHECK: Checks the size.

  • UNCHECK: Does not check the size.



Local file name

((1 to 256 bytes))


Remote file name

((1 to 256 bytes))


Name of the program to start when transmission ends normally

((0 to 256 bytes))


Name of the program to start when transmission ends abnormally

((0 to 256 bytes))


FTP command

((0 to 300 bytes))



((0 to 80 bytes))


Single/multiple-file transmission:

  • AUTO: Switches automatically between single-file transmission and multiple-file transmission.

  • MULTIPLE: Performs multiple-file transmission.

  • SINGLE: Performs single-file transmission.




  • CHECK: Uses FTPS.

  • UNCHECK: Does not use FTPS.



Check the expiration date of the server certificate

  • CHECK: Checks the expiration date of the server certificate.

  • UNCHECK: Does not check the expiration date of the server certificate.



Path to the CA certificate

((0 to 256 bytes))


Path to the CRL

((0 to 256 bytes))

-C transmission-card-name [transmission-information-option transmission-option-parameter]

Changes from the specified transmission card the transmission information that is specified by the transmission information options.

To change transmission information, you need superuser permissions.

-D transmission-card-name

Deletes the transmission information identified by the specified transmission card name.

To delete transmission information, you need superuser permissions.

-L transmission-card-name

Displays the transmission information for the specified transmission card.


Do not execute the ftsregc command so that multiple instances are running at the same time. If you execute multiple instances of the command at the same time, an error will occur, and even if an error message is not output, you might not get the expected results. However, when displaying transmission information, multiple instances of the ftsregc command can be executed at the same time.

Return values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination during registration


Abnormal termination during change


Abnormal termination during deletion


Abnormal termination during display


Abnormal termination due to a syntax error in a command parameter

For details about the messages that are displayed, see 8.11 Messages issued by the ftsregc command (KDJF52xx).


To specify zero characters in an option argument, specify the null character string.

Example: Delete the name of the program that is started when transmission ends normally:

ftsregc -C card1 -TS ""