
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

8.8.15 Comparison operators (=, <>, <, <=, >, >=) (compare two expressions)


Compares two expressions.

Result = Expression1 comparison-operator Expression2

Specify a variable for storing the comparison result.


Write any expression.


Write any expression.


Specify a comparison operator.


The comparison operators compare two expressions. Each operator returns a True or False result according to the following conditions:

= (equal)

True condition: Expression1 = Expression2

False condition: Expression1 <> Expression2

<> (not equal)

True condition: Expression1 <> Expression2

False condition: Expression1 = Expression2

< (less than)

True condition: Expression1 < Expression2

False condition: Expression1 >= Expression2

<= (less than or equal)

True condition: Expression1 <= Expression2

False condition: Expression1 > Expression2

> (greater than)

True condition: Expression1 > Expression2

False condition: Expression1 <= Expression2

>= (greater than or equal)

True condition: Expression1 >= Expression2

False condition: Expression1 < Expression2

The datatypes of the expressions determine the type of comparison performed and the result, as follows:


Operation performed

Both expressions are numeric datatypes.

Numeric comparison

Both expressions are string datatypes.

String comparison#

One expression is a numeric datatype, and the other is a string datatype.

String comparison#

One expression is an Empty value, and the other is a numeric datatype.

Numeric comparison with the Empty value taken as zero except in equality comparisons.

One expression is an Empty value, and the other is a string datatype.

String comparison with the Empty value taken as a zero-length string ("").#

Both expressions are Empty values.

The two expressions are considered to be equal.


String comparison is performed in dictionary order.

Note that one-byte characters are not case sensitive.

JP1/Script version

Supported from JP1/Script 01-00.