
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

7.1.12 GoTo


Unconditionally jumps to a specified label.

GoTo LabelName

Specify the label name of the jump destination. Use a name that complies with the variable naming conventions.


The GoTo statement transfers execution control to a specified label. Execution resumes from the line following the label. A syntax error occurs if multiple labels have the same name at the script level or procedure level.

You can write the label at any position. However, if you specify a GoTo statement within a procedure, the labeled line must exist within that procedure.

An execution error occurs if you specify a jump destination label as follows:

  • Specify a GoTo statement outside the procedure and specify a jump destination label within the procedure.

  • Specify a GoTo statement outside the flow control statement and specify a jump destination label within the flow control statement.

If  Exec ("NOTEPAD.EXE" ,True ,"Loging.txt" ) = False Then
  GoTo  ErrorExit   ' Transfer control to ErrorExit.
ErrorExit:          ' Start processing from here.
JP1/Script version

Supported from JP1/Script 05-00.