
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

6.2.5 Command line syntax check

This checks the syntax of a script file with the command line. A syntax check only performs a lexical and syntactic analysis of the script file, and does not execute commands in the script file.

You can perform a syntax check on multiple script files together by running the syntax check from a batch file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Form

To perform a syntax check, specify the /SPT:GRM (or /spt:grm) parameter in the SPTXE.EXE command line.

SPTXE.EXE script-file-name /SPT:GRM

To check the syntax of the Test.SPT script file:


The effective range of the /SPT:GRM parameter includes the script file specified, and script files called by the CallSpt command within the script file.

(2) Output destination for syntax check results

Syntax check results are output to the analysis trace file and the execution trace file for the script file performing the syntax check. Do not suppress analysis trace file or execution trace file output using the /SPALV(0) or /SPXLV(0) parameters.

For details on the trace file formats, see A.1 Output formats of analysis trace files or A.2 Output formats of execution trace files.

For details on trace file output destinations, see 4.1.10 Set Execution Environment (Trace Information) dialog box or 4.1.25 Options (Multi-activation) dialog box.

(3) Note