
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

6.1.4 Reserved variables

JP1/Script provides a number of reserved variables for referencing specific data (system information and command return values).

Table 6-2 shows the various categories of reserved variables and their meaning.

Table 6‒2: Reserved variables


Reserved variable


System reserved variable


YES when the user has administrator privilege; Empty without administrator privilege.


Name of the work folder for the script file being executed. Followed by a backslash (\).


Name of the computer on which the script file is being executed.


Name of domain on which the user is logged.

However, the values can no longer be obtained correctly on Windows Vista and later OSes, or Windows Server 2008 and later OSes. Use the Windows environment variable instead to obtain the values.


Operating system and version:

  • For Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022: WIN_NT10.0


Operating system:

  • WIN_NT


Operating system minor version:

  • For Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022: 0


Operating system major version:

  • For Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022: 10


Folder name of the script file being executed. Followed by a backslash (\).


File name of the script file being executed. No extension.


Extension of a script file (.SPT).


Extension of a menu information file (.SPN).


Extension of an execution environment file (.SPV).


Extension of a monitoring information file (.SPD).


MS-DOS startup folder name. Followed by a backslash (\).


Folder name for temporary files. Followed by a backslash (\).


User name of the person logged onto the system.


Windows folder name. Followed by a backslash (\).


Folder name in which the Windows driver resides. Followed by a backslash (\).

Process reserved variable


Process identifier of the script being executed.


Array variable that stores location variables from %1, accessed in the form _ARGV_(n) where n is any numeric starting at 1.


Total number of location variables from %1. %0 is not included.

Command return value reserved variable


Execution result of the Copy command.


Number of files copied by the Copy command.


Number of files not copied by the Copy command.


Number of files skipped with ErrSkip2 specified in the Copy command.


Return value of the execute file to call by Exec command or NetExec command, or return value of the script file to call by CallSpt command. Signed numeric.


Executable file ID for the Exec or NetExec command. Valid only when Flag is set to False (do not wait for called program to exit).


Return value of the InputBox or MessageBox command.


Return value of an external function of the CallDll command.


Reason for termination of a window (menu form).


Command number when a window (menu form) is terminated by command execution.


Modifier key of the window (menu form) termination key.


Name of the field that last had the focus.


Error detail code. Signed numeric.

Execution results of a command are set. However, for a command that returns a specific value (such as a character string manipulation command), 0 is always set in the _RTN_ reserved variable.

The cause of the error indicated in the error detail code will be output to the trace file as an error message.


Return value of the CallDll command (where xx is a number from 00).


Return value of a service operating command.

Character code reserved variable


New line character.


Tab character.

Error detail code reserved variable


No error.


End of file.


Timeout exceeded.


File not found.


Path not found.


Access denied.




Device not ready.


Another process is accessing the file.


Server does not respond to the connection request.


Timeout occurred while waiting for a response from the server.


Error occurred while receiving data from the server.


Allowed time for no data transmission was exceeded during communication with the server.


Value cannot be set in the variable because the acquired value exceeds the variable's maximum value.


The size of the specified file is greater than the maximum value.


Read/write start location is beyond 2,147,483,647.


The JP1/Script service is not running.