
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

5.5.1 Data collection tool

The data collection tool is a tool used to collect data when troubleshooting an issue that has occurred in JP1/Script.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Executing the data collection tool

Execute the data collection tool as follows:

C:\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\HITACHI\Script\tools\sptlog.bat" -o C:\temp

In this case, the execution results of the data collection tool are output to C:\temp\jp1script. Collect the information in this folder. If a file containing the execution results of the data collection tool already exists, a message asking you whether you want to overwrite the information appears. Enter y in response to the message.

For details on the data collection tool, see 5.5.1(2) Data collection tool details.


Before you execute the batch file of the data collection tool, use Script Viewer to confirm that no script file is being executed. In addition, do not execute any scripts until the data collection tool terminates.

(2) Data collection tool details


This tool is used for data collection when troubleshooting an issue that has occurred in JP1/Script. The data collected includes JP1/Script maintenance data, OS system information, and other pertinent data.

This tool is a batch file. It cannot be customized by the user.

sptlog.bat [-o output-destination-folder]
Execute permission

Administrative privileges

Storage directory


-o output-destination-folder

Specify the full output folder path to within 190 bytes. Enclose any spaces in the path with double quotations ("").

Data collection tool execution results are output to the output-destination-folder\jp1script folder.

If the output destination folder is omitted, data collection tool execution results will be output to the %TEMP%\jp1script folder. Check the %TEMP% value by executing echo %TEMP% from the Command Prompt.

  • Do not run multiple instances of the data collection tool.

  • Run the Command Prompt as administrator to execute the data collection tool.

Return values

Return value

Meaning of return value


Operation completed successfully.


One of the following events occurred:

  • The tool was executed by a user without administrative privileges.

  • The output destination folder could not be created.

  • The user responded with NO to the question prompt asking whether the output-destination-folder\jp1script folder could be deleted.


Output collected data to C:\temp\jp1script.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\HITACHI\Script\tools\sptlog.bat" -o C:\temp

(3) Information acquired by the data collection tool

The following table shows the information acquired by the data collection tool.

Table 5‒8: Information acquired by the data collection tool

Information type

Collected data

hosts file


services file


OS version

Execution result of ver

Windows environment variable

Execution result of set

IP configuration data

Execution result of ipconfig /all

Execution result of netstat -a -e -n -s -r

Execution result of arp -a

List of startup services

Execution result of net start

Machine system information

Execution result of msinfo32 /report file-name

Assignment of user permissions

Execution result of secedit /export /cfg file-name /areas USER_RIGHTS /quiet

UAC settings information

Information under the following registry key:


JP1/Script registry information

Information under the following registry key:


List of files under the JP1/Script installation folder and data folder#1

Execution result of dir JP1/Script-installation-folder /a /s

Execution result of dir JP1/Script-data-folder /a /s

Access permissions under the JP1/Script installation folder and data folder#1

Execution result of icacls JP1/Script-installation-folder /T

Execution result of icacls JP1/Script-data-folder /T

Files under the JP1/Script installation folder


The following files under the JP1/Script-installation-folder:


  • Readme_ja.txt

  • Readme_en.txt

  • Version.txt

  • ProductInfo.txt

Files under the script execution environment folder


Files under the script log folder


NetExec error log file



Maintenance log file


Product information file

system-drive\Program File (x86)\Hitachi\jp1common\JP1SCRIPT\jp1script.dat




The output destination folder can be changed. For details on how to change this setting, see 4.1.28 Options (Cluster Environment) dialog box.


The output destination folder can be changed. For details on how to change this setting, see 8.10.2 NetExec (call an executable file on the local PC or remote PC).


The output destination folder can be changed. For details on how to change this setting, see D. Maintenance Log Files.