
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

5.2.1 Troubleshooting script execution problems

Table 5-1 lists the problems you may encounter during script execution and the actions you should take.

Table 5‒1: Troubleshooting script execution problems




Unable during script execution to allocate space on the volume for trace storage or for command processing.

Insufficient space available on the volume.

Use JP1/Script Manager or Windows Explorer to free up space by deleting unnecessary files.

Specify a different volume for the trace file output folder and work folder.

Script execution failed with message Initialization of application failed or termination code 99.

Insufficient memory to execute the script.

Add more memory or increase the page file size. If there is still insufficient memory after providing a larger page file size, quit other applications to increase the amount of available memory.

If the script was executed from the JP1/Script service, change the service account to one that is not being used by any other service.

Script execution resulted in an error with message The input file is damaged or has a different file format.

The specified file is invalid.

Use a valid file or the correct file.

If the script terminated abnormally during the previous run, the script file may not have been saved correctly.

Use JP1/Script Manager or Windows Explorer to delete the file.

Script file keeps on running.

The script was activated from a service program such as JP1/AJS, and a process requiring user intervention, such as an entry from a message box or window, was executed from within the script.

To start the script from a service program such as JP1/AJS and execute an interactive operation, use the NetExec command to execute the script in the logon space.

A program called by the Exec or NetExec command went into a program loop.

Check the executable program for a programming error.

The trace management file (SPTLOGDB.SPB) has been corrupted.

Use a program such as Windows Explorer to delete the trace management file.

When executed from a user program, the script terminated with code 19.

A syntax error occurred in the script.

Execute the script from JP1/Script Manager or Editor, and check the nature of the error.

Make sure that you are not using an old version of script engine.

Script execution resulted in an error.

An error was detected during execution of the script file.

Start the JP1/Script Trace Viewer and check the nature of the error.

Script execution speed was slow.

Too many scripts were executed concurrently.

Reduce the number of scripts that are executing concurrently.

The trace management file (SPTLOGDB.SPB) is too large.

Delete the trace management file (SPTLOGDB.SPB) while the script is not running and then re-execute the script. If many user trace files with unique file names have been created by using the Message command, use the TextOpen, TextWrite, or TextClose command rather than the Message command to create trace files.

Script terminated abnormally due to insufficient memory (such as with code 20), or command execution resulted in an error due to insufficient memory (such as when the message Insufficient memory is displayed during execution of the Copy command).

The trace management file (SPTLOGDB.SPB) is too large.

Delete the trace management file (SPTLOGDB.SPB) while the script is not running and then re-execute the script. If many user trace files with unique file names have been created by using the Message command, use the TextOpen, TextWrite, or TextClose command rather than the Message command to create trace files.