
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

4.4.42 Print Information of Menu Forms dialog box

The Print Information of Menu Forms dialog box appears when you choose File, Print Menu Form. Set preferences for printing the specifications of a completed menu form.


Organization of this subsection

(1) Components

In the Print Information of Menu Forms dialog box, you can set the following items.

Printer used

Shows the printer to be used. To change the printer, click the Setting button.

The printer that is most often used is set by default.

Font name

Shows the print font name. To change the font, click the Font button.

FixedSys is set by default.


Shows the print font size. To change the font size, click the Font button.

10 is set by default.

Print items
Header information

Prints header information. The following information is printed:

  • Menu information file name

  • Menu form name

  • Date modified (yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS format#)

  • Date printed (yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS format#)

  • Page

    #: yyyy: year; mm: month; dd: day; HH: hour; MM: minute; SS: second.

Menu image

Prints a text image of the menu form. The image is centered horizontally, and shrunk to fit the page if necessary.

Menu form properties

Prints the menu form properties.

Control properties

Prints control properties.

Tab order

Prints the tab order.

Command properties

Prints command properties.

All of the items are selected by default.

Print Range
Print all menu forms

Prints the specified information for all menu forms.

Print current menu form

Prints the specified information for the current menu form only.

If you have not selected a menu form, Print current menu form is disabled.

The Print all menu forms check box is selected by default.

Insert page break after each item

Prints each of the items that you selected in the Print Items field on a new page. This check box is unselected by default.

(2) Operations

(3) Processing