
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

4.1.16 Set Execution Environment (Trace Output Folder) dialog box

The Set Execution Environment (Trace Output Folder) dialog box appears when you select one or more icons in the Script Manager window and choose File, Set Execution Environment, Trace Output Folder.


Organization of this subsection

(1) Components

In the Set Execution Environment (Trace Output Folder) dialog box, you can set the following items for the script file(s) you selected.

Script file name

Lists the name of the files (icons) that you selected in the Script Manager window. If you selected multiple icons, the file names are sorted in ascending order.

Permit multi-activation

Select this check box to allow the script to be activated concurrently from multiple processes.

When multiple execution is enabled, traces are output to the folder specified in Trace file output folder in the Options (Multi-activation) dialog box, not the setting in Output folder.

There is no limit to the number of concurrent executions. As the number of concurrent executions increases, there is also an increase in the system resources that are required. For this reason, make sure that you pay attention to the number of scripts that are executed concurrently.

Output folder

Specify a folder for the analysis trace file and execution trace file.

If you specify a folder that does not exist, the folder is created when the script file starts.

If you click the Select button, the Select Folder dialog box appears.

The entry box is available only if you select Permit multi-activation.

Max lines

Specify the maximum number of lines to output from the analysis trace file and execution trace file. Set a number in the range 100 to 9,999.

Max columns

Specify the maximum number of columns to output from the analysis trace file and execution trace file. Set a number in the range 128 to 1,024.

(2) Operations

(3) Processing