
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

3.6.2 Mouse and key operations in the Script Menu Editor window

Organization of this subsection

(1) Mouse operations

Table 3-22 lists mouse operations in the client area of the Script Menu Editor window.

Table 3‒22: Mouse operations in the Script Menu Editor window




Makes a selection or clears a previous selection.


Displays a Properties dialog box for the menu form or for a control.


Displays a pop-up menu.


Drags or selects a control. When you drag across multiple controls, the selection order is according to their YX positions, starting from top left and ending at bottom right.

Ctrl + drag

Copies a selected control.

(2) Key operations

Table 3-23 lists key operations in the client area of the Script Menu Editor window and shows whether each operation is supported in edit mode and monitoring mode.

Table 3‒23: Key operations in the Script Menu Editor window



Alt + 1

Shows or hides a control box.

Alt + 2

Shows or hides a Properties dialog box.

Alt + 3

Shows or hides the Command Properties dialog box.

Alt + F4

Quits Menu Editor.

Alt + R

Arranges all controls so that they are horizontally equidistant from one another.

Alt + D

Arranges all controls so that they are vertically equidistant from one another.

Ctrl + A

Selects all controls written on a menu form.

Ctrl + C

Copies a selected control.

Ctrl + F

Creates a new menu form.

Ctrl + K

Defines the properties of a command.

Ctrl + N

Creates a new menu information file.

Ctrl + O

Opens a menu information file.

Ctrl + P

Prints a menu form.

Ctrl + S

Saves a menu information file.

Ctrl + V

Pastes the clipboard contents to a menu form.

Ctrl + X

Cuts a selected control.

Ctrl + Z

Undoes the previous edit.

Ctrl + F9

Centers controls vertically in the dialog box.

Ctrl + L

Aligns controls along the left edge of a reference control.

Ctrl + R

Aligns controls along the right edge of a reference control.

Ctrl + U

Aligns controls along the top edge of a reference control.

Ctrl + D

Aligns controls along the bottom edge of a reference control.


Deletes a selected menu form or control.


Displays a menu form in test view.


Resizes a control to fit the text size.


Aligns controls so that their vertical centers are in a horizontal line with a reference control.

Shift + F9

Aligns controls so that their horizontal centers are in a vertical line with a reference control.

Shift + Ctrl + Z

Redoes the previous edit.

Shift + Ctrl + F9

Centers controls horizontally in the dialog box.

Moves one or more controls to the left (between gridlines).

Moves one or more controls to the right (between gridlines).

Moves one or more controls upward (between gridlines).

Moves one or more controls downward (between gridlines).

Alt + ←

Moves one or more controls to the left (in pixel units).

Alt + →

Moves one or more controls to the right (in pixel units).

Alt + ↑

Moves one or more controls upward (in pixel units).

Alt + ↓

Moves one or more controls downward (in pixel units).

Shift + ←

Resizes one or more selected controls leftward from the top left corner (between gridlines).#

Shift + →

Resizes one or more selected controls rightward from the top left corner (between gridlines).#

Shift + ↑

Resizes one or more selected controls upward from the top left corner (between gridlines).#

Shift + ↓

Resizes one or more selected controls downward from the top left corner (between gridlines).#

Shift + Alt + ↑

Resizes one or more selected controls leftward from the top left corner (in pixel units).#

Shift + Alt + ↓

Resizes one or more selected controls rightward from the top left corner (in pixel units).#

Shift + Alt + ←

Resizes one or more selected controls upward from the top left corner (in pixel units).#

Shift + Alt + →

Resizes one or more selected controls downward from the top left corner (in pixel units).#


Displays the properties of a selected control.

#: This operation is invalid when the control is a line.