
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

3.5.1 Trace Files Display window and menus

The Trace Files Display window displays the execution status and trace of an executed script.

This section describes the layout and menus of the Trace Files Display window which appears when you open a trace file.

For information about the output formats of Trace Viewer files, see A. Output Formats of Script Trace Files.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Script Trace Files Display window

Double-clicking a trace file displayed in the Script Trace Viewer window displays the Script Trace Files Display window. Figure 3-2 shows the Script Trace Files Display window and the names of its components.

Figure 3‒5: Script Trace Files Display window


(a) Toolbar

The toolbar contains buttons representing the most frequently used commands on the pull-down menus. By simply clicking a button, you can execute the corresponding command. You can hide the toolbar by toggling Toolbar in the View menu.

The following command buttons are displayed on the toolbar of the Script Trace Files Display window:


Saves a trace file under a new name.


Prints a trace file.


Deletes a trace file.


Closes the Trace Files Display window.

Close All

Closes all Script Trace Files Display windows that are open.


Clears a trace file (to zero file size).

Line Number

Displays or hides line numbers.


Updates the contents of a trace file.


Sets search criteria.

Search Up

Searches from the current position to the beginning of the file.

Search Down

Searches from the current position to the end of the file.


Displays the JP1/Script online help.

(b) Status bar

The status bar displays messages about the processing being carried out by Trace Viewer and status messages at completion of processing.

(c) Client area

The client area displays the contents of a trace file.

A scroll bar appears if the contents do not fit within the visible client area.

You can change the font and font size for the characters that are displayed in this client area.

Registry key


Value name 1


Value datatype 1


Value 1


When the setting takes effect

The setting takes effect the next time the Script Trace Files Display window opens.

Value name 2


Value datatype 2


Value 2


When the setting takes effect

The setting takes effect the next time the Script Trace Files Display window opens.

(2) Menus in the Script Trace Files Display window

This subsection describes the functions of the Script Trace Files Display window by menu. Table 3-16 lists and describes the menus provided in the Script Trace Files Display window.

Table 3‒16: Menus in the Script Trace Files Display window


Command (function)



Save As

Saves a selected trace file under a new name.

Delete Trace File

Deletes a selected trace file.


Prints a selected trace file.

Close View Window

Closes the active Trace Files Display window.

Close All View Windows

Closes all the open Trace Files Display windows.


Clear Trace File

Clears the trace file (to zero file size).



Shows or hides the toolbar.

Status Bar

Shows or hides the status bar.

Display Line Number

Shows or hides line numbers.

Arrange Vertically

Arranges the open Trace Files Display windows top to tail on the desktop.

Arrange Horizontally

Arranges the open Trace Files Display windows side by side on the desktop.

Minimize All

Minimizes all the open Trace Files Display windows into icons.


Updates the contents of the displayed trace file.



Sets search criteria.

Search Up

Searches for the search string to the beginning of the file.

Search Down

Searches for the search string to the end of the file.



Displays the contents of the JP1/Script online help.

About JP1/Script

Displays version information for JP1/Script.