
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide


Organization of this page


Sets up or unsets up the custom item creation environment.

Executing this command creates a shortcut to the Item Design View in the Windows Start menu, which makes it easier for you to open and use the Item Design View.

For details on the functionality available to create items in the Item Design View, see 5. Business Operations Planning with CPA.


cpaitemsetup [-u]

Permission for execution

Administrator privileges



Unsets up the custom item creation environment.

If you specify the option, the shortcut Item Design View is deleted from JP1_Client Process Automation in the Windows Start menu so that no one can open and use the Item Design View from there.

No option

Sets up the custom item creation environment.

If you do not specify the option, the short cut Item Design View is registered in JP1_Client Process Automation in the Windows Start menu so that users can open and use the Item Design View from there.

Return values




Permission denied


Invalid argument


An error occurred during the attempt to access the Item Design View settings file (itemdesign_config.xml).

  • The file contains invalid information.

  • The file does not exist.

  • A file access error occurred due to lacking permissions.


The execution environment is invalid.


System error

Environment requirements

This command can run regardless of whether the job execution service is running or stopped.

This command can run regardless of whether the message communication service is running or stopped.

Command stored in:


Note that the command is stored in the following folder by default.

In a 32-bit operating system:


In a 64-bit operating system:

