
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide


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Encrypts the authentication password and adds it to the mail profile so that the password can be used for SMTP-AUTH or the POP before SMTP authentication to send mail.

This command also can encrypt the password of the OS user to log in to the incoming mail server for monitoring mail reception and add the password to the profile of mail reception.


cpapasswd {-s SMTP-password|-p POP-before-SMTP-authentication-password|-r incoming-mail-server-login-OS-user-password}

Permission for execution



-s SMTP-password

Encrypts the authentication password for SMTP-AUTH and adds it to the mail profile. When the profile already includes a password, running this command updates the password.

An SMTP password can be any string with a length of 1 to 127 bytes.

-p POP-before-SMTP-authentication-password

Encrypts the authentication password for the POP before SMTP authentication and adds it to the mail profile. When the profile already includes a password, running this command updates the password.

A POP3 password can be any string with a length of 1 to 127 bytes.

-r incoming-mail-server-login-OS-user-password

Encrypts the password of the OS user that will be used to log in to the incoming mail server for monitoring mail reception, and adds the password to the profile of mail reception. When the profile already includes a password, running this command updates the password.

A password of the OS user to log in to the incoming mail server can be any string with a length of 1 to 127 bytes.

Return values




Insufficient resources


Exclusive processing error


Not allowed to access the profile.


Syntax error in arguments


Cannot find the profile.


System error

Environment requirements

This command can run regardless of whether the job execution service is running or stopped.

Before you can run the command, ensure that the conf directory in the data path directory contains the mail profile (mailprof.ini) or the profile of mail reception (recvmailprof.ini). For details on the mail profile (mailprof.ini), see 2.3.1 Configurations for the Send mail item. For details on the profile of mail reception (recvmailprof.ini), see 2.3.2 Configurations for the Monitoring mail reception item.

Command stored in:


Note that the command is stored in the following folder by default.

In a 32-bit operating system:


In a 64-bit operating system:
