
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

2.3.1 Configurations for the Send mail item

When the Send mail item is available, a mail profile is automatically created upon installation.

However, you have to edit the mail profile settings manually.

File location
- data-path\conf\mailprof.ini.model (model file)
- data-path\conf\mailprof.ini (mail profile)

Note that the files are stored in the following locations by default:

- %ProgramData%\HITACHI\jp1\jp1_default\JP1CPA\conf\mailprof.ini.model (model file)
- %ProgramData%\HITACHI\jp1\jp1_default\JP1CPA\conf\mailprof.ini (mail profile)
Setting items in the mail profile

Include the following setting items in the mail profile:

  • DefaultFrom=sender-email-address

    Specify only one email address that will be used as the sender of outgoing emails.

    When an email is sent, the From header of the email is set to this value.

    This setting item is required.

  • DefaultReplyTo=reply-to-email-address

    Specify email addresses that will be used as the reply-to address of outgoing emails.

    When an email is sent, the Reply-To header of the email is set to this value.

    To specify multiple email addresses, list the addresses by separating each address with a comma (,). The specified email address must not exceed 256 bytes. When multiple email addresses are specified with commas (,) separating them, the specified addresses including the comma separators must not exceed 256 bytes. This setting item is required.

  • SmtpServer=SMTP-server-name

    Specify the host name or IP address of the SMTP server to send emails.

    For the IP address, it must be specified in IPv4 or IPv6 format. For the SMTP server name, the length must not exceed 256 bytes. This setting item is required.

  • SmtpPort=SMTP-port-number

    Specify the port number of the communication port on the SMTP server.

    If you omit this setting item, TCP 25 is used. You can use a number from 1 to 65535 for the port number.

  • SmtpAuthType={ 0 | 1 | 2 }

    Specify the authentication method for outgoing emails.

    Specify 1 for the POP before SMTP authentication, or 2 for SMTP-AUTH. Omit this setting item or specify 0 when no authentication is required.

  • Pop3Server=POP3-server-name

    Specify the host name or IP address of the POP3 server for the POP before SMTP authentication.

    For the IP address, it must be specified in IPv4 or IPv6 format. You can omit this setting item if you do not plan to use the POP before SMTP authentication. For the POP3 server name, the length must not exceed 256 bytes.

  • Pop3Port=POP3-port-number

    Specify the port number of the communication port on the POP3 server for the POP before SMTP authentication.

    If you omit this setting item, TCP 110 is used. You can use a number from 1 to 65535 for the port number.

  • Pop3User=mail-account

    Specify the authentication account name for the POP before SMTP authentication.

    You can omit this setting item if you do not plan to use the POP before SMTP authentication. The mail account name must not exceed 255 characters in length.

  • Pop3Password=POP3-password

    Use the cpapasswd command to specify the value of this setting item.

    For details on the cpapasswd command, see cpapasswd in 9. Commands. You can omit this setting item if you do not plan to use the POP before SMTP authentication.

  • SmtpAuthUser=mail-account

    Specify the authentication account name for SMTP-AUTH.

    You can omit this setting item if you do not plan to use SMTP-AUTH. The mail account name must not exceed 255 characters in length.

  • SmtpAuthPassword=SMTP-password

    Use the cpapasswd command to specify the value of this setting item.

    For details on the cpapasswd command, see cpapasswd in 9. Commands. You can omit this setting item if you do not plan to use SMTP-AUTH.

  • SmtpAuthUseLOGIN={ 0 | 1 }

    Specify 1 to use LOGIN for SMTP-AUTH. Omit this setting item or specify 0 when you do not plan to use SMTP-AUTH.

  • SmtpAuthUsePLAIN={ 0 | 1 }

    Specify 1 to use PLAIN for SMTP-AUTH. Omit this setting item or specify 0 when you do not plan to use SMTP-AUTH.