
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

7.2.2 Action flow dialog box

You can display the Action flow dialog box by selecting the Action flow tab. This dialog box allows you to define an action flow in which multiple actions are defined along with the order in which to execute them.

The following figure shows the Action flow dialog box.

Figure 7‒13:  Action flow dialog box


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Basic information area

This area allows you to enter an item name and provides an explanation of the item.

For details on the displayed items and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area, see Basic information area in 7.2.1 Action dialog box.

[Figure]Set icon area

This area allows you to set the icon to be displayed in the Select item area.

If no icon is specified, the default action flow icon is applied.

[Figure]Apply this item to the item list in the Job Define View check box

This check box allows you to select whether to apply the registered action to the item list in the Job Design View. By clearing this check box, you can prevent the registered action from showing up in the item list in the Job Design View used by operators. Even when the check box is cleared, the action is still visible from the Item Design View. If you just want to use the action as part of an action flow, clear this check box.

[Figure]Select item area

Select the items you want to assign to the action flow. When you select the Action tab or the Event monitor tab, the selectable items show up. From the displayed items, drag the one you want to assign to the action flow to the Flow map area, and then drop it. This assigns the item to the action flow.

[Figure]Save as file button

This button saves the file containing the created action flow definition.

[Figure]Register button

Registers action flow.

[Figure]Cancel button

This button closes the window without registering the edited definition.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Unit dialog box

When you put an item you want to add to Action flow from the Select item area to the Flow map area, you see the Unit dialog box where you configure the settings necessary for executing the item.

As an example, the following figure shows the Unit dialog box when you put the Command execution standard item.

Figure 7‒14: Unit dialog box


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Unit name area

Enter a unique name in the action flow.


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Unit name

Text box

A string from 1 to 45 bytes. You can specify half-width alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and multibyte characters.


Item name


Each character in the string you enter in the text box is counted differently in bytes depending on the character. For the conversion rate of the characters you enter into bytes, see C.2 Conversion rate of characters into bytes.

[Figure]Conditions to execute item area

This area is used to specify whether or not the item is executed depending on the return value of the preceding unit.


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Unit name#

Text box

A string from 1 to 45 bytes. You can specify half-width alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and multibyte characters.





Pull down

Select from either of equal to or not equal to.


equal to



Text box

Specify a value from 0 to 4,294,967,295. The return value is treated as an unsigned 32-bit value.

For example, if the application as the preceding unit ends with -1, the return value will be 4,294,967,295.




Each character in the string you enter in the text box is counted differently in bytes depending on the character. For the conversion rate of the characters you enter into bytes, see C.2 Conversion rate of characters into bytes.


In the Unit name field, you can specify only the unit name for an action or event monitor, which is found in the flow map.

[Figure]Item area

This area displays the input items for the item you put.

[Figure]OK button

This button places the input items you edited.

[Figure]Cancel button

This button closes the window without registering the edited definition.

(2) Flow map tab

The Flow map tab allows you to set the order in which to execute the assigned actions.

The following figure shows the Flow map tab.

Figure 7‒15: Flow map tab


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Flow map area

This area allows you to select an action placed in the Flow map area and draw a relation line (arrow) from it to connect it with another action. This allows you to define the order in which to execute actions.

In addition, by right-clicking a relation line (arrow), you can change the connection method or delete the execution order definition.

You can change the connection method by defining the execution order of subsequent actions differently depending on how the preceding action ends (Ended normally vs. Ended with warning). For example, you can define that when action A is executed and ends normally, action B is executed, whereas when action A is executed and ends with a warning, action C is executed instead. In this case, you have to select Change connection method and Ended normally for the arrow extending from action A to action B, and Change connection method and Ended with warning for the arrow extending from action A to action C.

(3) Input item settings tab

The Input item settings tab allows you to set the input items necessary to apply an action flow.

For details on the Input item settings tab, see 7.2.1 (3) Input item settings tab.