
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

7.2.1 Action dialog box

You can display the Action dialog box by selecting the Action tab. This dialog box allows you to define a single action.

The following figure shows the Action dialog box.

Figure 7‒4: Action dialog box


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Basic information area

This area allows you to enter an item name and provides an explanation of the item.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Item name

Text box

A 1- to 45-byte string. You can specify half-width alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and multibyte characters.





Text box

A character string not exceeding 1,024 bytes.

You can use line breaks.




Each character in the string you enter in the text box is counted differently in bytes depending on the character. For the conversion rate of the characters you enter into bytes, see C.2 Conversion rate of characters into bytes. Note that text boxes cannot contain only line breaks and/or half-width spaces.

[Figure]Set icon area

This area allows you to set an icon to be displayed in the Select item area.

If no icon is set, the default action icon is applied.

[Figure]Apply this item to the item list in the Job Define View check box

This check box allows you to select whether to apply the registered action to the item list in the Job Design View. By clearing this check box, you can prevent the registered action from showing up in the item list in the Job Design View used by operators. Even when the check box is cleared, the action is still visible from the Item Design View. If you just want to use the action as part of an action flow, clear this check box.

[Figure]Save as file button

This button saves the file containing the created action definition.

[Figure]Register button

Registers action flow.

[Figure]Cancel button

This button closes the window without registering the edited definition.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Basic settings tab

The Basic settings tab allows you to specify basic settings for the action.

The following figure shows the Basic settings tab.

Figure 7‒5: Basic settings tab


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Command specification area

This area allows you to enter the command to execute and parameter.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value



Text box

A 1- to 256-byte string





Text box

A string not exceeding 512 bytes



[Figure]Execution type

This pull-down menu allows you to specify a command execution type. The specifiable options are Do not show the window and Show the window. If you select Show the window, you can specify the following settings: Wait for end and Exclusive option.

[Figure]Operation when terminates

This pull-down menu allows you to specify how the executed command should end. The specifiable options are Abnormal end if the return code is other than 0, Warning end if the return code is other than 0, and Always normal end.

(a) Execution type is Show the window

If you selected Show the window as the execution type, you have to specify Wait for end and Exclusive option.

The following figure shows the window when Show the window is selected.

Figure 7‒6: When Show the window


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Wait for end

This pull-down menu allows you to specify whether to wait for the command displayed in the window to end. The specifiable options are Wait for the window showing process to terminate and Do not wait for the window showing process to terminate.

If you select Do not wait for the window showing process to terminate, you cannot select Operations when terminates.

[Figure]Exclusive option

If this option is selected, the specified actions are not executed concurrently (only one action is executed all the time) (which is the same as the Exclusive option for the Command execution in window item). The option is applied among all the items for which it is enabled. If some items should not be executed concurrently, select this option.

(2) Option settings tab

This tab allows you to set when the executing action times out.

It also allows you to specify the name of the virtual user who executes the item.

The following figure shows the Option settings tab.

Figure 7‒7: Option settings tab


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Execution timeout period

This setting allows you to specify a timeout period for the executing action. If you do not specify this setting or specify 0, the action never times out. If you have selected the Exclusive option check box in the Basic settings tab, the period of time you specify here also includes the time spent waiting for other actions to end.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Execution timeout period

Text box

Specify a half-width number or a variable.

You can specify a number in the range from 1 to 1440.



[Figure]Ended state of the action upon timeout

This pull-down menu allows you to specify the Ended state of the action upon timeout. The specifiable values are Ended abnormally and Ended with warning.

[Figure]Virtual user name

This field specifies the virtual user name mapped to the name of the Windows user who executes the item. If the virtual user name is omitted, the item is executed with the account for the CPA job execution service.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Virtual user name

Text box

A string not exceeding 64 bytes. Specify a half-width number or a variable.



(3) Input item settings tab

The Input item settings tab allows you to set input items that are necessary to apply the action.

The following figure shows the Input item settings tab.

Figure 7‒8:  Input item settings tab


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Input item list for items

This list displays the input items defined for the action. You can create a maximum of 10 input items.

[Figure]Up button

This button moves the selected input item up in the list.

[Figure]Down button

This button moves the selected input item down in the list.

[Figure]Preview button

This button displays a preview of the action input window.

With the OK button, you can check the operation of input items according to the specified settings (the Abbreviate option, the Max. size field, and the Possible input letters option). You can use the Cancel button to close the preview window.

[Figure]Copy variable name button

This button copies the Input point variable name setting specified for the selected input item.

[Figure]Add browse button

This button creates a new input item to be used in the action.

[Figure]Edit button

This button edits the definition of a registered input item.

[Figure]Delete button

This button deletes a registered input item.

(a) Define input items dialog box

Clicking the Add button brings up the Define input items dialog box.

The following figure shows the Define input items dialog box.

Figure 7‒9: Define input items dialog box


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Basic settings area

This area allows you to specify basic settings, including the input point variable name and the label.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Variable name

Text box

A variable-format string not exceeding 57 bytes. Only a string consisting of half-width alphanumeric characters can be used to specify a variable name.





Text box

A string not exceeding 64 bytes. Multibyte characters can be used.




Input type

Pull down

Select from the following options: Text box, List box, and Check box.




Each character in the string you enter in the text box is counted differently in bytes depending on the character. For the conversion rate of the characters you enter into bytes, see C.2 Conversion rate of characters into bytes. Note that text boxes cannot contain only half-width spaces.

[Figure]Input type

This pull-down menu allows you to specify a data entry method for the input item to be added.

[Figure]Option settings area

This area allows you to set options for the input item.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Enable condition

Text box

You can specify half-width numbers.




Option letters

Text box

A string not exceeding 32 bytes. This text box accepts a string consisting of half-width alphanumeric characters and symbols.





Check box



Not selected


--: Not applicable

[Figure]Enable condition

These text boxes allow you to specify the condition for enabling the input item. Specify this option when you want a certain condition to be satisfied before data can be entered.

[Figure]Option letters

This field specifies option letters preceding the variable value. If the variable does not have a value, the option letters are not added.


This check box allows you to specify whether the input item can be omitted.

[Figure]OK button

This button saves the edited input item.

[Figure]Cancel button

This button closes the dialog box without adding the edited definition.

■ Input type (Text box)

If you select Text box from the Input type pull-down menu, the text box setting area shows up in the dialog box.

The following figure shows what the window looks like when Input type (Text box) is selected as the execution cycle.

Figure 7‒10: What the window looks like when Input type (Text box) is selected as the execution cycle


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Text box setting area

This area allows you to specify the maximum size of data that can be entered in the text box as well as the types of characters that can be entered.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Max. size

Text box

Specify a half-width number in the range from 1 to 512.




Possible input letters

Pull down

Select from the following options: All characters, Alphanumeric characters only, Alphabetical only, Numbers only, and Alphanumeric characters and symbols only.




Each character in the string you enter in the text box is counted differently in bytes depending on the character. For the conversion rate of the characters you enter into bytes, see C.2 Conversion rate of characters into bytes.

[Figure]Possible break line check box

This check box allows you to specify whether to allow line breaks to be added in the text box.

[Figure]Append check box

This check box allows you to specify whether to add a button that can be used to display a reference window during the entry of data into the text box.

Select this check box when the text box is used to specify a path to an execution program or file.

■ Input type (List box)

If you select List box from the Input type pull-down menu, the Label definition area and the List label area show up in the dialog box.

The following figure shows what the window looks like when Input type (List box) is selected as the execution cycle.

Figure 7‒11: What the window looks like when Input type (List box) is selected as the execution cycle


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Label definition area

This area allows you to specify a label name to be added to the list box as well as its value.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


List label

Text box

A string not exceeding 64 bytes





Text box

A string not exceeding 512 bytes



[Figure]Add browse button

This button adds the defined label to the list box.

[Figure]List label area

This area displays a list of created list labels.

[Figure]Up button

This button moves the selected label up.

[Figure]Down button

This button moves the selected label down.

[Figure]Edit button

This button allows you to edit the selected list label.

[Figure]Delete button

This button deletes the selected list label.

■ Input type (Check box)

If you select Check box from the Input type pull-down menu, the check box setting area shows up in the dialog box.

The following figure shows what the window looks like when Input type (Check box) is selected as the execution cycle.

Figure 7‒12: What the window looks like when Input type (Check box) is selected as the execution cycle


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Check box setting area

You can set a value applicable when the check box is selected and a value applicable when the check box is cleared, as well as specify an explanation of the check box.

The following table describes the items displayed and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area:


Displayed item name

Input format

Restrictions on the strings you can specify

Mandatory or optional

Default value


Value when checked

Text box

A string not exceeding 512 bytes




Value when unchecked

Text box

A string not exceeding 512 bytes





Text box

A string not exceeding 64 bytes However, if the details contain any half-width character, all the characters may not be shown. Use the preview window to see how they are shown.

