
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference


Organization of this page

Format 1

jr3bjdel [SAP-destination-information]
          -jn job-name
          [-jc job-count]
          [-user SAP-user-name]

If the character string for the argument specification contains a space, enclose the argument with double quotation marks (").

Format 2

jr3bjdel -help


Deletes a background job on the SAP system.

The jr3bjdel command ends abnormally if an attempt is made to delete an active or ready job.

This command can act on a job that is in one of the following states:



Specify the SAP system where the job to be deleted exists. For details about the format of SAP destination information, see (1) Common argument format for job control function commands.


Specify logon information that is valid in the SAP system where the job to be deleted exists. For details about the format of SAP logon information, see (1) Common argument format for job control function commands.


Specify standard output and standard error output files for command execution. For details about the format of redirection information, see (1) Common argument format for job control function commands.

-jn job-name

Specify the job name of the job to be deleted. A character string of 1 to 32 bytes can be entered for the job name specification. If there are duplicate job names in the specified SAP system, enter the job count with the -jc option to specify the job.

Note that you must specify the -jn option.

-jc job-count

To differentiate jobs having the same name, specify the job count. If the job count specification is omitted, all the jobs having the same name are deleted.

-user SAP-user-name

This argument deletes only the jobs that are specified by the -jn option and owned by the specified SAP user. A character string of 1 to 12 bytes can be entered for the SAP user name specification.


This argument provides information on using the command.

Return values


All the specified jobs were successfully deleted.

Integer of 1 or more

The specified jobs were not deleted successfully.

Usage examples