
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

Common argument formats for various commands

This section explains the common argument formats: for the commands of the job control function, and for the command of the InfoPackage control function and the process chain control function.

Organization of this page

(1) Common argument format for job control function commands

The following provides the detailed formats for SAP destination information, SAP logon information, and redirection information. These formats are common to all job control function commands.

SAP destination information

The SAP destination information is an argument for establishing a connection to the SAP system. The SAP destination information format is explained below.

SAP destination information

-h host-name [-s NN]|-d destination

The SAP destination information options must be used as described below depending on the method of connection to the SAP system.

For the creation of the sapnwrfc.ini file and r3defcon file, see 2. Installation and Setup.

SAP logon information

The SAP logon information is an argument that specifies user information for logging on to the SAP system.

The SAP logon information format is explained below.

SAP logon information

{-c SAP-client -u SAP-user-name {-p password | -p2 extended-password} [-l language] | -dl}

-c SAP-client

Specify the client number of an SAP client that is valid for logon to the SAP system. A character string of 1 to 3 bytes can be entered for the client number specification. Only numerals can be used.

Note that a 1- or 2-byte SAP client number sent to the SAP system is converted to a 3-byte number.

For example, if the client number is 001, you can specify 1, 01, or 001. However, the 3-byte client number 001 is sent to the SAP system.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.

-u SAP-user-name

Specify the name of an SAP user that is valid in the SAP system that you log on to.

For details about the SAP users who can be specified, see 2.3.9 Providing a SAP user for job control.

A character string of 1 to 12 bytes can be entered for the SAP user name specification.

SAP system control will be executed under authority of this SAP user.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.

-p password

Enter the password for the SAP user that is specified by the -u option.

Specify this option when a conventional password rule is applied to the SAP system.

For details about the characters that can be specified for the password, see 2.3.9 Providing a SAP user for job control.

A character string of 1 to 8 bytes can be entered for the password.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.

-p2 extended-password

Specify an extended password that corresponds to the SAP user specified by the -u option.

Specify this option when the extended password rule is applied to the SAP system.

For details about the characters that can be specified for the extended password, see 2.3.9 Providing a SAP user for job control.

A character string of 1 to 40 bytes can be entered for the extended password.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.

-l language

Enter a single-byte alphabetic character to specify the language to be used. You can use either Japanese or English. Specify the following language supported by the SAP system as the language to be used.

  • For Japanese: J

  • For English: E

In the following cases, the default language type defined by the application server at the logon destination is used:

  • The -l option is omitted.

  • A language type not defined by the application server at the logon destination is specified.

The language type specified for this option affects the language for the SAP job log. It also affects the language for the error details that are returned by the SAP system and inserted into a message, such as KAJM0802-E and KAJM0813-E.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.


Specify this option when you define SAP logon information by using the sapnwrfc.ini file.

This option is enabled when the -d option is specified for the SAP destination information. If the -dl option is specified for the SAP destination information instead of the -d option, the processing terminates abnormally. The -c, -u, -p, -p2, or -l option cannot be specified at the same time.

If the SAP logon information is not specified as part of the command line, the logon information (logon section information) specified by the r3defcon file is used. The r3defcon file must therefore be created beforehand in the home directory of the user executing the command.

For r3defcon file creation, see 2. Installation and Setup.

Redirection information

Use this argument to specify the standard output and standard error output files that will be used when the command is being executed. The specification format is as follows:

-so standard-output-file-name

Specify a standard output file for command execution.

The lengths of character strings that can be specified as standard output file names vary depending on whether the OS is Windows or a Linux:

  • For Windows:

    The lengths of character string you can specify as standard output file names are from 1 to 259 bytes.

  • For a Linux:

    The lengths of character string you can specify as standard output file names are from 1 to 255 bytes.

If you do not use the full path to specify the standard output file name, the file is created in the work directory of JP1/AJS3 for EAP. (If the JP1/AJS3 for EAP working directory is not available, the file will be created in the current directory.)

For the standard output file name, do not specify a device file, such as /dev/null. If a standard output file is not needed, delete the file that is created.

You can also write standard output messages for command execution in this file.

-se standard-error-output-file

Specify a standard error output file for command execution.

The lengths of character strings that can be specified as standard error output file names vary depending on whether the OS is Windows or a Linux:

  • For Windows:

    The lengths of character string you can specify as standard error output file names are from 1 to 259 bytes.

  • For a Linux:

    The lengths of character string you can specify as standard error output file names are from 1 to 255 bytes.

If you do not use the full path to specify the standard error output file name, the file is created in the work directory of JP1/AJS3 for EAP. (If the JP1/AJS3 for EAP working directory is not available, the file will be created in the current directory.)

For the standard error output file name, do not specify a device file, such as /dev/null. If the standard error output file is not needed, delete the file that is created.

You can also write standard error output messages for command execution in this file.

(2) Argument formats for the command of the InfoPackage control function and the process chain control function

The following provides the detailed formats for SAP BW destination information and SAP BW logon information. These formats are applied to the command of the InfoPackage control function and the process chain control function.

SAP BW destination information

The SAP BW destination information is an argument for establishing a connection to the SAP BW system. The detailed format for SAP BW destination information is explained below.

SAP BW destination information

-h host-name [-s NN]|-d destination

The SAP BW destination information options must be used as described below depending on the method of connection to the SAP BW system.

For the creation of the sapnwrfc.ini file and r3defcon file, see 2. Installation and Setup.

SAP BW logon information

The SAP BW logon information is an argument that specifies user information for logging on to the SAP BW system. The detailed format for SAP BW logon information is explained below.

SAP BW logon information

{-c SAP-BW-client -u SAP-BW-user-name {-p password | -p2 extended-password} [-l language] | -dl}

-c SAP-BW-client

Specify the client number of a SAP BW client that is valid for logon to the SAP BW system. You can enter a character string of 1 to 3 bytes for the client number. Only numerals can be used. Note that a 1- or 2-byte SAP BW client number sent to the SAP BW system is converted to a 3-byte number.

If, for instance, the client number is 001, you can enter 1, 01, or 001. However, when this client number is sent to the SAP BW system, it is sent as the 3-byte client number 001.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.

-u SAP-BW-user-name

Specify the name of a SAP BW user that is valid for logon to the SAP BW system.

For details about the SAP BW users who can be specified, see 2.4.9 Providing a SAP user for InfoPackage control or process chain control.

You can enter a character string of 1 to 12 bytes for the user name.

SAP BW system control will be executed under authority of this SAP BW user.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.

-p password

Enter the password for the SAP BW user that is specified by the -u option.

For details about the characters that can be specified for the password, see 2.4.9 Providing a SAP user for InfoPackage control or process chain control.

Specify this option when a conventional password rule is applied to the SAP system.

You can enter a character string of 1 to 8 bytes for the password.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.

-p2 extended-password

Specify an extended password that corresponds to the SAP BW user specified by the -u option.

For details about the characters that can be specified for the extended password, see 2.4.9 Providing a SAP user for InfoPackage control or process chain control.

Specify this option when the extended password rule is applied to the SAP system.

You can enter a character string of 1 to 40 bytes for the extended password.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.

-l language

Enter a single-byte alphabetic character to specify the language to be used. You can use either Japanese or English. Specify the following language supported by the SAP BW system as the language to be used.

  • For Japanese: J

  • For English: E

In the following cases, the default language type defined by the SAP BW system at the logon destination is used:

  • The -l option is omitted.

  • A language type not defined by the SAP BW system at the logon destination is specified.

The language type specified for this option affects the language for the error details that are returned by the SAP system and inserted into a message, such as KAJM0802-E and KAJM0813-E.

The -dl option cannot be specified at the same time.


Specify this option when you define SAP BW logon information by using the sapnwrfc.ini file.

This option is enabled when the -d option is specified for the SAP BW destination information. If the -dl option is specified for the SAP BW destination information instead of the -d option, the processing terminates abnormally. The -c, -u, -p, -p2, or -l option cannot be specified at the same time.

If the SAP BW logon information is not specified as part of the command line, the logon information (logon section information) specified by the r3defcon file is used. The r3defcon file must therefore be created beforehand in the home directory of the user executing the command.

For the creation of the r3defcon file, see 2. Installation and Setup.